Brothers and Sisters, (those from the disbelievers who love to mock and slander) would continue to create more and more of such blasphemous anti-Islamic pages as they know nothing else but to abuse and slander.
The more we react to them the more they are prompted by their Shaytaan to create such pages. Remember that this is exactly their plot to make us boil with anger and in the process lose our focus on our Da ’wah and Is’lah activities.
When we come across to any Anti-Islamic Page/ Group on Facebook,
the first thing we do is tell our friends to report it. But little of us do realize that we are actually helping the very Anti-Islamic Page/Group that we are trying to fight. In the click-click world of the Internet, the first thing most people will do is click on the URL, thereby increasing the hit counts and boasting the morale of the site owners.
Second, it will help it with search engine placement, as some of them will use the increased curiosity traffic as a sign of popularity. You just helped create the monster you wanted to fight! It is very easy to setup a Facebook Fan Page/ Group. It is very difficult to draw traffic to it. The most anti-Islamic Page/Group will die if it faces a frozen counter. That would happen if you just leave it alone. But if you are out there telling everyone about it and asking them to report, you are in effect volunteering as their publicity department. That is exactly what they need. It is a common sense.
If you don’t want people to visit a site/page/group, just don’t tell them about it. If there is a well-established site (like CNN) it makes sense to launch a protest campaign. But for most of the sites the prudent course is just the opposite. Leave it alone. Let it die of neglect. A natural death. The greater the lack of attention, the faster will be the death of this would be monster.
So the next time you receive an alert letter about an anti-Islamic site Facebook Page or Group, just delete it. If you respond to the sender, do not include the original text of his alert email, because even that may help some search engine ranking. There were thousands of anti-Islamic websites sites and anti Islamic Facebook Page/Group that sprang up recently but died soon after because, luckily, our enthusiasts had not noticed them and had not publicized them through their alert letters. The ones that receive the alert letter mention will, unfortunately, survive and may thrive.
So, then what is a better alternative?
1. We should instantly report the page without informing others.
2. We should instantly share instead a link to our favorite Islamic page here on facebook as our status and ask our friends to join.
So, what will this accomplish?
1. We will have the page reported.
2. We will not unintentionally become its marketing agents.
3. We will prevent the page from becoming popular by the number of clicks/likes it would have gotten, therefore increasing the probability of it getting deleted by facebook.
4. We will save our Brothers/Sisters in Islam from seeing inappropriate material.
5. We will save our Brothers/Sisters in Islam from getting angry.
6. We will save our Brothers/Sisters in Islam from responding against the teachings of Islam.
7. By sharing the link to our favorite Islamic page instead & asking our fb friends to join, we will be doing Da ’wah – which is an obligation upon all Muslims.
8. For all the friends who join our favorite Islamic page & learn/follow the teachings, we will Insha ’Allah gain the same amount of good deeds as them without any extra effort.
9. We will all instead use our time wisely and properly.
10. We will all become better Muslims Insha ’Allah.
There maybe more benefits, but let’s start following this from now onwards so that we can prevent another anti-Islamic (e.g Draw Muhammad Day) situation – at least on Facebook. Insha’Allah. On the Internet, the best use of your energies is to promote the good Islamic sites.
Let the good drive out the evil. Please help spread this message by sharing it on your profile/Islamic pages.
JazakumAllahu khayran. : ) and Allâh (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) knows best.
Don't forget to Share this article after Reading!
By Shakir Parvez Khan, Shadman Saquib and Manners in Islam
May 22nd, 2010 Team
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Proper Response to Anti-Islamic Pages/ Groups
“Warning to the Daa’ee [Who give Da'wah]“
Beware of being extreme
It is correct to name this awakening which pleases and excites every believer, an Islamic movement, an Islamic revival and an Islamic movement. It is necessary to encourage and guide this awakening towards adhering and clinging to the Qur ’aan and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) as well as warning leaders and individuals within this awakening from exceeding the limits, exaggerating and being extreme in their actions.
In accordance with what Allah says in the Qur ’aan, “O people of the scripture, do not exceed the limits in your religion. ” [An-Nisaa 171]
The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) is reported to have said: “O you people, beware of being extreme and exceeding the limits in the religion, for that which destroyed the people before you was none other than extremism in the religion. ”
He (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) also said: “The extremists are destroyed, the extremists are destroyed, the extremists are destroyed. ”
Speaking about Allah without knowledge
Beware of speaking about Allah, the Most High, without knowledge. It is not permissible for one who believes in Allah, the Most High, and the Last Day to say: ‘This is halaal and this is haraam’ or ‘This is permissible and this is prohibited’, except with a proof and completely depending upon that. It should be sufficient for him to do what the people of knowledge did before him, and that is to restrain oneself from rushing into saying that which he does not know but rather to say: “Allah knows best” or “I do not know”.
How excellent is the speech of the angels when they said to their Lord, Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except that which You taught us. [Al- Baqarah 32]
When the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) were asked about something that they did not know, they would say: “Allah and His Messenger know best.”
This is only because of the completeness of their knowledge and their faith and their glorification of Allah, and being far removed from embarking on matters beyond them.
Beware of being hasty
How many calamities, difficulties and problems have afflicted those who are hasty! The days and nights are going and leaving behind the traces and consequences of hastiness! How much corruption and destruction and un-praiseworthy consequences have occurred because of partisanship and the following of desires?
We ask Allah to keep us safe from that.
Beware of partisanship to a group
It is not permissible for one to blindly follow this person or that person, or the opinion of such and such a person. Nor should he follow blindly the methodology, or group of any individual.
Beware of Blind Support or Opposition Because Their Opinion Agrees or Conflicts With Yours
The deen of Allah must be the authority that judges everything. Beware of following your brother just because he agrees with you over an opinion and oppose another because he disagrees with you over an opinion or an issue. This is not being just or fair. We know that the sahaabah differed in issues, but this did not effect the good faith, support and love between them, radiallaahu ‘anhum. So the believer acts by Allah’s laws and he accepts and submits to the truth and he makes it precede everything else. The believer should not oppress his brother, or act unjustly towards him if he differs with him over a opinion from the issues of Ijtihaad, in which the proofs may not be clear or issues in which there may be differing interpretations of the text.
He may have an excuse, so you must advise him and love the khair (goodness) for him and do not allow the differing to induce and prompt aggression and discord between you. Do not enable the enemy to take advantage of you and your brother. And there is no movement or power except with Allah the Most High.
By Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Aziz ibn Baaz [Rahimahullaah], From the book “Words Of Advice Regarding Da’wah”
Don't forget to Share this article after Reading!
June 6th, 2010 Team
It is correct to name this awakening which pleases and excites every believer, an Islamic movement, an Islamic revival and an Islamic movement. It is necessary to encourage and guide this awakening towards adhering and clinging to the Qur ’aan and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) as well as warning leaders and individuals within this awakening from exceeding the limits, exaggerating and being extreme in their actions.
In accordance with what Allah says in the Qur ’aan, “O people of the scripture, do not exceed the limits in your religion. ” [An-Nisaa 171]
The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) is reported to have said: “O you people, beware of being extreme and exceeding the limits in the religion, for that which destroyed the people before you was none other than extremism in the religion. ”
He (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) also said: “The extremists are destroyed, the extremists are destroyed, the extremists are destroyed. ”
Speaking about Allah without knowledge
Beware of speaking about Allah, the Most High, without knowledge. It is not permissible for one who believes in Allah, the Most High, and the Last Day to say: ‘This is halaal and this is haraam’ or ‘This is permissible and this is prohibited’, except with a proof and completely depending upon that. It should be sufficient for him to do what the people of knowledge did before him, and that is to restrain oneself from rushing into saying that which he does not know but rather to say: “Allah knows best” or “I do not know”.
How excellent is the speech of the angels when they said to their Lord, Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except that which You taught us. [Al- Baqarah 32]
When the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) were asked about something that they did not know, they would say: “Allah and His Messenger know best.”
This is only because of the completeness of their knowledge and their faith and their glorification of Allah, and being far removed from embarking on matters beyond them.
Beware of being hasty
How many calamities, difficulties and problems have afflicted those who are hasty! The days and nights are going and leaving behind the traces and consequences of hastiness! How much corruption and destruction and un-praiseworthy consequences have occurred because of partisanship and the following of desires?
We ask Allah to keep us safe from that.
Beware of partisanship to a group
It is not permissible for one to blindly follow this person or that person, or the opinion of such and such a person. Nor should he follow blindly the methodology, or group of any individual.
Beware of Blind Support or Opposition Because Their Opinion Agrees or Conflicts With Yours
The deen of Allah must be the authority that judges everything. Beware of following your brother just because he agrees with you over an opinion and oppose another because he disagrees with you over an opinion or an issue. This is not being just or fair. We know that the sahaabah differed in issues, but this did not effect the good faith, support and love between them, radiallaahu ‘anhum. So the believer acts by Allah’s laws and he accepts and submits to the truth and he makes it precede everything else. The believer should not oppress his brother, or act unjustly towards him if he differs with him over a opinion from the issues of Ijtihaad, in which the proofs may not be clear or issues in which there may be differing interpretations of the text.
He may have an excuse, so you must advise him and love the khair (goodness) for him and do not allow the differing to induce and prompt aggression and discord between you. Do not enable the enemy to take advantage of you and your brother. And there is no movement or power except with Allah the Most High.
By Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Aziz ibn Baaz [Rahimahullaah], From the book “Words Of Advice Regarding Da’wah”
Don't forget to Share this article after Reading!
June 6th, 2010 Team
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Polemik Gambar Pemimpin Syiah Berkucupan
Berikut adalah penjelasan yang diberikan oleh pihak pejabat Sheikh Yasser al-Habib di London melalui e-mail terhadap soalan saya mengenai gambar-gambar yang kononnya menunjukkan pemimpin-pemimpin Syiah bercium mulut sesama lelaki.
Ini adalah kerja orang yang berniat jahat - memanipulasikan gambar. Gambar-gambar sebegini banyak tersebar di dalam internet, website dan juga Facebook.
Di bawah ini adalah salinan e-mail yang dihantar kepada saya :
In His Name the Most High, All praise is due to Allah, may peace be upon Muhammed and his pure progeny and may the curse of Allah be upon their enemies.
The Office Answer :
Assalamu Alaikum, Dear brother, firstly we apologise for the delay in replying to your enquiry due to some circumstances beyond the office control. Secondly, in regards to your enquiry, this is one of the - exposed - misleading activities carried out by the Bakri and Wahabi groups.
They choose a set of shots taken from specific angles in which it appears as if man 'A' - in the taken shot - is kissing man 'B' on his lips. However, this is not the case, when the two men greet each other - as usual - they lean forward and turn their faces to either side (i.e. right or left in alternation).
If the camera angle was focused on the two men, then one of the taken shots would show the closeness of man A's lips to man B's as they switch to either side. Thus, you find the opponents of Ahlulbayt exaggerating and lying and claiming otherwise. May Allah kill them!
How deviated they are! 29th Sha'ban 1431 The Office of Sheikh al-Habib in London Di bawah ini ada beberapa contoh gambar yang membuatkan golongan-golongan Bakri, Wahhabi dan Nawasib bersorak keriangan kerana mereka menyangka mereka berjaya mengenakan kita semua
: Semoga Allah melaknat musuh- musuh Ahlul Bayt!
Ini adalah kerja orang yang berniat jahat - memanipulasikan gambar. Gambar-gambar sebegini banyak tersebar di dalam internet, website dan juga Facebook.
Di bawah ini adalah salinan e-mail yang dihantar kepada saya :
In His Name the Most High, All praise is due to Allah, may peace be upon Muhammed and his pure progeny and may the curse of Allah be upon their enemies.
The Office Answer :
Assalamu Alaikum, Dear brother, firstly we apologise for the delay in replying to your enquiry due to some circumstances beyond the office control. Secondly, in regards to your enquiry, this is one of the - exposed - misleading activities carried out by the Bakri and Wahabi groups.
They choose a set of shots taken from specific angles in which it appears as if man 'A' - in the taken shot - is kissing man 'B' on his lips. However, this is not the case, when the two men greet each other - as usual - they lean forward and turn their faces to either side (i.e. right or left in alternation).
If the camera angle was focused on the two men, then one of the taken shots would show the closeness of man A's lips to man B's as they switch to either side. Thus, you find the opponents of Ahlulbayt exaggerating and lying and claiming otherwise. May Allah kill them!
How deviated they are! 29th Sha'ban 1431 The Office of Sheikh al-Habib in London Di bawah ini ada beberapa contoh gambar yang membuatkan golongan-golongan Bakri, Wahhabi dan Nawasib bersorak keriangan kerana mereka menyangka mereka berjaya mengenakan kita semua
: Semoga Allah melaknat musuh- musuh Ahlul Bayt!
memang Allah sengaja temukan kita dgn orang yang salah...
memang Allah sengaja temukan kita dgn orang yang salah...
aku telah merasainya..syukur ya Allah..
By Athirah Anuar
Friday, 13 August 2010 at 21:26
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita dapat menjadi penilai yg baik.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang salah supaya kita sedar bahawa kita hanyalah makhluk yang sentiasa mengharapkan pertolongan ALLAH.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita dapat KASIH SAYANG YANG TERBAIK,KHAS UNTUK DIRI KITA.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita sedar bahawa ALLAH MAHA PEMURAH & PENYAYANG kerana mengingatkan kita bahawa dia bukanlah pilihan yg hebat untuk kita dan kehidupan kita pada masa depan...
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita dapat mengutip pengalaman yg tak semua orang berpeluang untuk mengalaminya.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita jadi MANUSIA YG HEBAT JIWANYA.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita lebih faham bahawa CINTA YG TERBAIK HANYA ADA BERSAMA ALLAH.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita LEBIH MENGENALI KEHIDUPAN YG TAK SELAMANYA KEKAL.
Wahai sahabat yg kecewa, menderita dan sengsara kerana cinta, fahamilah bahawa kehidupan kita makin sampai ke penghujungnya. Hari esokpun kita sendiri tak pasti samada menjadi milik kita.
Gapailah keredhaan ALLAH dengan melaksanakan suruhan-NYA,dan meninggalkan laranganNYA..
PERCAYALAH sesungguhnya ALLAH malu untuk menolak permintaan hamba-NYA yg menadah tangan meminta dengan penuh pengharapan HANYA kepada-NYA.
aku telah merasainya..syukur ya Allah..
By Athirah Anuar
Friday, 13 August 2010 at 21:26
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita dapat menjadi penilai yg baik.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang salah supaya kita sedar bahawa kita hanyalah makhluk yang sentiasa mengharapkan pertolongan ALLAH.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita dapat KASIH SAYANG YANG TERBAIK,KHAS UNTUK DIRI KITA.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita sedar bahawa ALLAH MAHA PEMURAH & PENYAYANG kerana mengingatkan kita bahawa dia bukanlah pilihan yg hebat untuk kita dan kehidupan kita pada masa depan...
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita dapat mengutip pengalaman yg tak semua orang berpeluang untuk mengalaminya.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita jadi MANUSIA YG HEBAT JIWANYA.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita lebih faham bahawa CINTA YG TERBAIK HANYA ADA BERSAMA ALLAH.
* memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita LEBIH MENGENALI KEHIDUPAN YG TAK SELAMANYA KEKAL.
Wahai sahabat yg kecewa, menderita dan sengsara kerana cinta, fahamilah bahawa kehidupan kita makin sampai ke penghujungnya. Hari esokpun kita sendiri tak pasti samada menjadi milik kita.
Gapailah keredhaan ALLAH dengan melaksanakan suruhan-NYA,dan meninggalkan laranganNYA..
PERCAYALAH sesungguhnya ALLAH malu untuk menolak permintaan hamba-NYA yg menadah tangan meminta dengan penuh pengharapan HANYA kepada-NYA.
Muhasabah Diri dan Motivasi
Sejarah Penemuan Fosil Manusia Purba
By Cerita Sejarah Friday, 02 July
2010 at 23:28
Secara umum penemuan fosil manusia dari zaman ke zaman terbagi atas tiga kelompok, yaitu manusia kera, manusia purba dan manusia modern.
Yang perlu diingat adalah bahwa teori ini hanya dugaan dan tidak terbukti kebenarannya karena teori evolusi telah runtuh.
Fosil manusia lama yang ditemukan bisa saja bukan fosil manusia atau manusia yang memiliki bentuk ciri tubuh yang unik, atau bahkan hasil rekayasa.
A. Manusia Kera dari Afrika Selatan
1. Australopithecus Africanus
Australopithecus africanus ditemukan di desa Taung di sekitar Bechunaland ditemukan oleh Raymond Dart tahun 1924.
Bagian tubuh yang ditemukan hanya fosil tengkorak kepala saja.
2. Paranthropus Robustus dan Paranthropus Transvaalensis
Dua penemuan tersebut ditemukan di daerah Amerika Selatan dengan ciri isi volume otak sekitar 600 cm kubik, hidup
di lingkungan terbuka, serta memiliki tinggi badan kurang lebih 1,5 meter. Kedua fosil
menusia kera tersebut disebut australopithecus.
B. Manusia Purba / Homo Erectus
1. Sinanthropus Pekinensis
Sinanthropus pekinensis adalah manusia purba yang fosilnya ditemukan di gua naga daerah Peking negara Cina oleh Davidson Black dan Franz Weidenreich.
Sinanthropus pekinensis dianggap bagian dari kelompok pithecanthropus karena memiliki ciri tubuh atau badan yang mirip
serta hidup di era zaman yang bersamaan. Sinanthropus pekinensis memiliki volume isi otak sekitar kurang lebih 900 sampai 1200 cm kubik.
2. Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus / Manusia Raksasa Jawa
Meganthropus palaeojavanicus ditemukan di Sangiran di pulau jawa oleh Von Koningswald pada tahun 1939 - 1941.
3. Manusia Heidelberg
Manusia heidelberg ditemukan di Jerman
4. Pithecanthropus Erectus
Pithecanthropus erectus adalah manusia purba yang pertama kali fosil telang belulang ditemukan di Trinil Jawa Tengah pada tahun 1891 oleh Eugene Dubois.
Pithecanthropus erectus hidup di jaman pleistosin atau kira-kira 300.000 hingga 500.000 tahun yang lalu. Volume otak
Pithecanthropus erectus diperkirakan sekitar 770 - 1000 cm kubik. Bagian tulang-belulang fosil manusia purba yang
ditemukan tersebut adalah tulang
rahang, beberapa gigi, serta sebagian tulang tengkorak.
C. Manusia Modern
Pengertian atau arti definisi manusia modern adalah manusia yang termasuk ke dalam spesies homo sapiens dengan isi volum otak kira-kira 1450 cm kubik
hidup sekitar 15.000 hingga
150.000 tahun yang lalu.
Manusia modern disebut modern karena
hampir mirip atau menyerupai manusia yang ada pada saat ini atau sekarang.
1. Manusia Swanscombe - Berasal dari Inggris
2. Manusia Neandertal -Ditemukan di lembah Neander
3. Manusia Cro-Magnon / Cromagnon / Crogmanon - Ditemukan di gua Cro-Magnon, Lascaux Prancis. Dicurigai sebagai campuran antara manusia
Neandertal dengan manusia Gunung Carmel.
4. Manusia Shanidar - Fosil dijumpai di Negara Irak
5. Manusia Gunung Carmel - Ditemukan di gua-gua Tabun serta Skhul Palestina
6. Manusia Steinheim - Berasal dari Jerman
2010 at 23:28
Secara umum penemuan fosil manusia dari zaman ke zaman terbagi atas tiga kelompok, yaitu manusia kera, manusia purba dan manusia modern.
Yang perlu diingat adalah bahwa teori ini hanya dugaan dan tidak terbukti kebenarannya karena teori evolusi telah runtuh.
Fosil manusia lama yang ditemukan bisa saja bukan fosil manusia atau manusia yang memiliki bentuk ciri tubuh yang unik, atau bahkan hasil rekayasa.
A. Manusia Kera dari Afrika Selatan
1. Australopithecus Africanus
Australopithecus africanus ditemukan di desa Taung di sekitar Bechunaland ditemukan oleh Raymond Dart tahun 1924.
Bagian tubuh yang ditemukan hanya fosil tengkorak kepala saja.
2. Paranthropus Robustus dan Paranthropus Transvaalensis
Dua penemuan tersebut ditemukan di daerah Amerika Selatan dengan ciri isi volume otak sekitar 600 cm kubik, hidup
di lingkungan terbuka, serta memiliki tinggi badan kurang lebih 1,5 meter. Kedua fosil
menusia kera tersebut disebut australopithecus.
B. Manusia Purba / Homo Erectus
1. Sinanthropus Pekinensis
Sinanthropus pekinensis adalah manusia purba yang fosilnya ditemukan di gua naga daerah Peking negara Cina oleh Davidson Black dan Franz Weidenreich.
Sinanthropus pekinensis dianggap bagian dari kelompok pithecanthropus karena memiliki ciri tubuh atau badan yang mirip
serta hidup di era zaman yang bersamaan. Sinanthropus pekinensis memiliki volume isi otak sekitar kurang lebih 900 sampai 1200 cm kubik.
2. Meganthropus Palaeojavanicus / Manusia Raksasa Jawa
Meganthropus palaeojavanicus ditemukan di Sangiran di pulau jawa oleh Von Koningswald pada tahun 1939 - 1941.
3. Manusia Heidelberg
Manusia heidelberg ditemukan di Jerman
4. Pithecanthropus Erectus
Pithecanthropus erectus adalah manusia purba yang pertama kali fosil telang belulang ditemukan di Trinil Jawa Tengah pada tahun 1891 oleh Eugene Dubois.
Pithecanthropus erectus hidup di jaman pleistosin atau kira-kira 300.000 hingga 500.000 tahun yang lalu. Volume otak
Pithecanthropus erectus diperkirakan sekitar 770 - 1000 cm kubik. Bagian tulang-belulang fosil manusia purba yang
ditemukan tersebut adalah tulang
rahang, beberapa gigi, serta sebagian tulang tengkorak.
C. Manusia Modern
Pengertian atau arti definisi manusia modern adalah manusia yang termasuk ke dalam spesies homo sapiens dengan isi volum otak kira-kira 1450 cm kubik
hidup sekitar 15.000 hingga
150.000 tahun yang lalu.
Manusia modern disebut modern karena
hampir mirip atau menyerupai manusia yang ada pada saat ini atau sekarang.
1. Manusia Swanscombe - Berasal dari Inggris
2. Manusia Neandertal -Ditemukan di lembah Neander
3. Manusia Cro-Magnon / Cromagnon / Crogmanon - Ditemukan di gua Cro-Magnon, Lascaux Prancis. Dicurigai sebagai campuran antara manusia
Neandertal dengan manusia Gunung Carmel.
4. Manusia Shanidar - Fosil dijumpai di Negara Irak
5. Manusia Gunung Carmel - Ditemukan di gua-gua Tabun serta Skhul Palestina
6. Manusia Steinheim - Berasal dari Jerman
Do'a saat menuju, masuk, dan keluar Masjid
shared By aku adalah Muslim
Wednesday, 11 August 2010 at 23:04
Sahabat, berikut ini do'a yang di sunnahkan untuk di dibaca yang berkaitan dengan Masjid :
1 .Do'a menuju mesjid
Allahummaj alfii qalbii nuuran, wa fii basharii nuuran, wafii sam'ii nuuran, wa'ayyaminii nuuran,wa ayyasaari nuuran, wa fawqii nuuran, wa tahtii nuuran, wa amaamilnuuran, wa khalfil nuuran, wa azhzhamilii nuuran.
Ya Allah ! jadikanlah dalam hatiku suatu cahaya, dalampandanganku suatu cahaya, dalam pendengaranku sutau cahaya, dari arah kanankusuatu cahaya, dari arah kiriku suatucahaya, di atasku suatu cahaya, dibawahku suatu cahaya, didepanku suatu cahaya, dibelakangku suatu cahaya, dan limpahkanlah kepadaku dengan cahaya.
(HR. Buhari Muslim)
2. Do'a masuk mesjid
Allahummaftahlii abwaa ba rahmatika Ya Allah !,
bukakanlah untukku pintu-pintu rahmatmu
3. Do'a keluar mesjid
Allahumma innii as aluka min Fadhlika Ya Allah, aku mohon padamu akan karuniamu
Wednesday, 11 August 2010 at 23:04
Sahabat, berikut ini do'a yang di sunnahkan untuk di dibaca yang berkaitan dengan Masjid :
1 .Do'a menuju mesjid
Allahummaj alfii qalbii nuuran, wa fii basharii nuuran, wafii sam'ii nuuran, wa'ayyaminii nuuran,wa ayyasaari nuuran, wa fawqii nuuran, wa tahtii nuuran, wa amaamilnuuran, wa khalfil nuuran, wa azhzhamilii nuuran.
Ya Allah ! jadikanlah dalam hatiku suatu cahaya, dalampandanganku suatu cahaya, dalam pendengaranku sutau cahaya, dari arah kanankusuatu cahaya, dari arah kiriku suatucahaya, di atasku suatu cahaya, dibawahku suatu cahaya, didepanku suatu cahaya, dibelakangku suatu cahaya, dan limpahkanlah kepadaku dengan cahaya.
(HR. Buhari Muslim)
2. Do'a masuk mesjid
Allahummaftahlii abwaa ba rahmatika Ya Allah !,
bukakanlah untukku pintu-pintu rahmatmu
3. Do'a keluar mesjid
Allahumma innii as aluka min Fadhlika Ya Allah, aku mohon padamu akan karuniamu
Waktu mustajabnya doa
By Puteri Pembuka Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 1:30am
1.Sebelum sahur
2.Sebelum berbuka
3.Selepas wuduk
4.Selepas solat
5.Seleps membaca Al-Quran
6.Selepas ditimpa musibah
7.hari Jumaat,selepas khutbah pertama
3 keadaan/kedudukan doa:
1.terus mustajab
2.tangguh dahulu,kemudian makbul
3.diperkenankan,tapi di akhirat.
~doa mestilah dengan penuh khusyu' dan tawadhu'..
*note yang ringkas je...ilmu yang dapat dari tazkirah selepas solat terawih tadi.
1.Sebelum sahur
2.Sebelum berbuka
3.Selepas wuduk
4.Selepas solat
5.Seleps membaca Al-Quran
6.Selepas ditimpa musibah
7.hari Jumaat,selepas khutbah pertama
3 keadaan/kedudukan doa:
1.terus mustajab
2.tangguh dahulu,kemudian makbul
3.diperkenankan,tapi di akhirat.
~doa mestilah dengan penuh khusyu' dan tawadhu'..
*note yang ringkas je...ilmu yang dapat dari tazkirah selepas solat terawih tadi.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Shaykh Imran Hosein
Sunday, 22 Rabi'ul Awal 1426
A strange ‘obsession’ with Islam explains the Euro-world order’s relentless war on Islam and the ‘ biting’ questions that continue to be posed concerning the continuing failure to establish constitutional democracy in the Muslim world.
We believe that an explanation of that strange ‘obsession’ is located in Islam’s view of the End of History, and, in particular, in the prophecies in both the Bible and the Qur ’an concerning Gog and Magog.
We respond to the questions, however, by reminding critics that modern political democracy originated in modern secular western civilization, and required the adoption of political secularism as the basis for the establishment of polity and State.
Political secularism, however, like all other applications of secularism, denied religion any significant role in the public order. This, in turn, facilitated the decline of religion and of absolute moral values, and, around the world, has led to the emergence of ever-changing secular values and, eventually, to an essentially godless way of life.
Let us recall that when the British colonized countries such as India they found Muslims with a political culture derived basically from Islam. British colonial rule imposed European political secularism ‘at the point of the sword’ as the alternative to Islam. Both Hindus and Muslims eventually challenged the new European religion of ‘secularism’, and sought to restore and to preserve their own indigenous political culture.
This led eventually, and alarmingly so for the British, to an ominous political alliance of Muslims and Hindus in what was called the Khilafat Movement – a struggle to preserve the institution of the Islamic Caliphate located at the very heart of Muslim political culture. Gandhi himself forged the alliance with the Muslim Khilafat Movement since he, also, wanted to restore (for Hindus) indigenous Hindu political culture and a Hindu model of a State.
The Khilafat Movement threatened to topple the entire system of European political secularism and constitutional democracy that the colonial West was forcing upon the non- White world. And so a British strategy was devised, in collaboration with Mustafa Kamal's newly emerging secular Republic of Turkey, to abolish the Turkish Caliphate and, in so doing, to sabotage and to bring about the collapse of the Khilafat Movement with its alarming Hindu-Muslim alliance. The strategy succeeded.
The Caliphate was abolished in Turkey in March 1924. By the end of that same year the old Indian Muslim leadership, comprised of men who knew and lived Islam, went into irreversible decline. They were replaced by the secularly inclined ‘All India Muslim League’, led by men who neither knew nor lived Islam. They presided over the cleverly disguised passage from Islam as the basis of political culture, to the new European political secularism. It was deceptively spirited in by way of religious nationalism, and emerged as a curious creature named ‘Muslim nationalism’. The passage from the one to the other was so cleverly disguised that it is still not discernible to many Muslims in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
The turbulent history of secular European constitutional democracy in the Muslim world cannot be understood without recognition of that effort at fundamental change in political culture from Islam to the European model of political secularism. Indeed the passage from the one to the other has not as yet been accomplished in any final way even in Pakistan or Turkey. Time and again the religious beliefs of the Muslim peoples in Africa, the Arab world, South and South-East Asia, etc., have impacted on politics in such wise that the West has been forced to continuously resort to devious means, including brute force and barbarism in present-day Iraq and Afghanistan, to thwart the effort to restore Islam as the basis of polity.
Will Muslim society be secularized and constitutional democracy finally established in the Muslim world? Or, will destiny witness the restoration of the Islamic Khilafat?
Before we attempt to answer that absolutely fascinating question which will eventually emerge at the very heart of political discourse in contemporary international affairs, let us briefly describe the Khilafat or the (Sunni) Islamic model of polity and State.
It would surely surprise some of our readers to learn that Islam has never claimed to be a new religion. Rather it has consistently proclaimed that it is the original religion of Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, and Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all).
It was therefore natural that Prophet Muhammad (s) should have preserved in the Islamic State of Madina the essential model of a polity and State that was established by the Prophet- Kings, David (s) and Solomon (s) in the Holy State of Israel. What was that model?
Firstly, political culture in Holy Israel tolerated no secular separation of politics from religion. In both David (s) and Solomon (s), the religious/ spiritual head of the community (i.e., the Prophet), was also, himself, King or Head of State.
Secondly, the polity and State recognized God as Sovereign (al- Malik), and to Him belonged the Kingdom (al-Mulk), and hence Israel was the Kingdom of God on earth.
Thirdly, God ’s authority and law were both supreme in this model of a State. In the secular European model, on the other hand, sovereignty was taken away from God and vested in the polity and State. That was blasphemy (Shirk). God was further stripped of supreme authority and law and these, also, were vested in the people and the State, and were institutionalized in secular government (administration, judiciary and legislature). That, also, was blasphemy (Shirk). The people not only assumed supreme authority and installed their own man-made law as supreme law, they even went on, and recklessly so, to make legally permissible that which God had Himself prohibited.
Such was the case, for example, with the Divine prohibition of ‘ lending money on interest’, gambling and lottery, etc. The Qur ’an has described all these efforts to ‘play God’ as blasphemy (Shirk), which is the one sin that Allah Most High has warned that He would never forgive. I guess that someone would respond by accusing God of being fundamentalist.
When a people turn away from God, as they most certainly do in political secularism and the secular State, the Qur ’an has warned that they would eventually forget Him and would pay the price of forgetting themselves (i.e., their human status). Their conduct would eventually become worse than that of wild beasts. Prophet Muhammad prophesied that they would eventually engage in sexual intercourse in public like donkeys.
There is an abundance of evidence that mainstream society in this “progressive” modern age is heading down that road and is already approaching the fulfillment of the prophecy of roadside sex.
The Islamic Khilafat differs in no way whatsoever from the model of the Holy State of Israel except that Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet/Head of State, was recognized as Servant of Allah rather than King!
Prophet Muhammad (s) has prophesied that the Islamic Khilafat would be restored at that time when Jesus (s) returns. I believe that we may have to wait for less than 50 years to witness the return of Jesus (s) and the restoration of the Islamic model of a State (Khilafat).
Shaykh Imran Hosein
Sunday, 22 Rabi'ul Awal 1426
A strange ‘obsession’ with Islam explains the Euro-world order’s relentless war on Islam and the ‘ biting’ questions that continue to be posed concerning the continuing failure to establish constitutional democracy in the Muslim world.
We believe that an explanation of that strange ‘obsession’ is located in Islam’s view of the End of History, and, in particular, in the prophecies in both the Bible and the Qur ’an concerning Gog and Magog.
We respond to the questions, however, by reminding critics that modern political democracy originated in modern secular western civilization, and required the adoption of political secularism as the basis for the establishment of polity and State.
Political secularism, however, like all other applications of secularism, denied religion any significant role in the public order. This, in turn, facilitated the decline of religion and of absolute moral values, and, around the world, has led to the emergence of ever-changing secular values and, eventually, to an essentially godless way of life.
Let us recall that when the British colonized countries such as India they found Muslims with a political culture derived basically from Islam. British colonial rule imposed European political secularism ‘at the point of the sword’ as the alternative to Islam. Both Hindus and Muslims eventually challenged the new European religion of ‘secularism’, and sought to restore and to preserve their own indigenous political culture.
This led eventually, and alarmingly so for the British, to an ominous political alliance of Muslims and Hindus in what was called the Khilafat Movement – a struggle to preserve the institution of the Islamic Caliphate located at the very heart of Muslim political culture. Gandhi himself forged the alliance with the Muslim Khilafat Movement since he, also, wanted to restore (for Hindus) indigenous Hindu political culture and a Hindu model of a State.
The Khilafat Movement threatened to topple the entire system of European political secularism and constitutional democracy that the colonial West was forcing upon the non- White world. And so a British strategy was devised, in collaboration with Mustafa Kamal's newly emerging secular Republic of Turkey, to abolish the Turkish Caliphate and, in so doing, to sabotage and to bring about the collapse of the Khilafat Movement with its alarming Hindu-Muslim alliance. The strategy succeeded.
The Caliphate was abolished in Turkey in March 1924. By the end of that same year the old Indian Muslim leadership, comprised of men who knew and lived Islam, went into irreversible decline. They were replaced by the secularly inclined ‘All India Muslim League’, led by men who neither knew nor lived Islam. They presided over the cleverly disguised passage from Islam as the basis of political culture, to the new European political secularism. It was deceptively spirited in by way of religious nationalism, and emerged as a curious creature named ‘Muslim nationalism’. The passage from the one to the other was so cleverly disguised that it is still not discernible to many Muslims in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
The turbulent history of secular European constitutional democracy in the Muslim world cannot be understood without recognition of that effort at fundamental change in political culture from Islam to the European model of political secularism. Indeed the passage from the one to the other has not as yet been accomplished in any final way even in Pakistan or Turkey. Time and again the religious beliefs of the Muslim peoples in Africa, the Arab world, South and South-East Asia, etc., have impacted on politics in such wise that the West has been forced to continuously resort to devious means, including brute force and barbarism in present-day Iraq and Afghanistan, to thwart the effort to restore Islam as the basis of polity.
Will Muslim society be secularized and constitutional democracy finally established in the Muslim world? Or, will destiny witness the restoration of the Islamic Khilafat?
Before we attempt to answer that absolutely fascinating question which will eventually emerge at the very heart of political discourse in contemporary international affairs, let us briefly describe the Khilafat or the (Sunni) Islamic model of polity and State.
It would surely surprise some of our readers to learn that Islam has never claimed to be a new religion. Rather it has consistently proclaimed that it is the original religion of Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, and Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all).
It was therefore natural that Prophet Muhammad (s) should have preserved in the Islamic State of Madina the essential model of a polity and State that was established by the Prophet- Kings, David (s) and Solomon (s) in the Holy State of Israel. What was that model?
Firstly, political culture in Holy Israel tolerated no secular separation of politics from religion. In both David (s) and Solomon (s), the religious/ spiritual head of the community (i.e., the Prophet), was also, himself, King or Head of State.
Secondly, the polity and State recognized God as Sovereign (al- Malik), and to Him belonged the Kingdom (al-Mulk), and hence Israel was the Kingdom of God on earth.
Thirdly, God ’s authority and law were both supreme in this model of a State. In the secular European model, on the other hand, sovereignty was taken away from God and vested in the polity and State. That was blasphemy (Shirk). God was further stripped of supreme authority and law and these, also, were vested in the people and the State, and were institutionalized in secular government (administration, judiciary and legislature). That, also, was blasphemy (Shirk). The people not only assumed supreme authority and installed their own man-made law as supreme law, they even went on, and recklessly so, to make legally permissible that which God had Himself prohibited.
Such was the case, for example, with the Divine prohibition of ‘ lending money on interest’, gambling and lottery, etc. The Qur ’an has described all these efforts to ‘play God’ as blasphemy (Shirk), which is the one sin that Allah Most High has warned that He would never forgive. I guess that someone would respond by accusing God of being fundamentalist.
When a people turn away from God, as they most certainly do in political secularism and the secular State, the Qur ’an has warned that they would eventually forget Him and would pay the price of forgetting themselves (i.e., their human status). Their conduct would eventually become worse than that of wild beasts. Prophet Muhammad prophesied that they would eventually engage in sexual intercourse in public like donkeys.
There is an abundance of evidence that mainstream society in this “progressive” modern age is heading down that road and is already approaching the fulfillment of the prophecy of roadside sex.
The Islamic Khilafat differs in no way whatsoever from the model of the Holy State of Israel except that Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet/Head of State, was recognized as Servant of Allah rather than King!
Prophet Muhammad (s) has prophesied that the Islamic Khilafat would be restored at that time when Jesus (s) returns. I believe that we may have to wait for less than 50 years to witness the return of Jesus (s) and the restoration of the Islamic model of a State (Khilafat).
Signs of the Last Day 3 (The Las Part)
(last Part)
When this recent displacement of the earth occurred under the sea, and consequently resulted in the massive Tsunami, it ensured that those who have maliciously concealed the Truth time and again in history could not conceal this major Sign of the Last Day. The magnitude of the event, i.e., the severity of the earthquake (9 on the Richter scale) and, more importantly, the massive damage already done and still unfolding, makes it absolutely unique for mankind today. Secondly, I am impressed by the location of the event - it occurred in that East which is clearly east of Madinah. Thirdly, and most important of all, I would like to direct attention to the time that it occurred. This was after the liberation of the Holy Land (1917), and return of the Jews to reclaim the Holy Land as their own (1918-1948). It was also after the restoration of a State of Israel in the Holy Land (1948) and the growth of Israel to become a superpower in the world (i.e., the present). Finally it occurred at precisely that time when Israel is about to wage her big war of massive territorial expansion after which Israel would replace USA as the ruling state in the world. Jesus cannot return until all these things have occurred. It has also occurred at that time when the prophecy of the Prophet concerning the abandonment of the Hajj seems about to be fulfilled. The Hajj would pose a gigantic security threat to the present Saudi ruling elite whenever Israel wages its big war and assumes rule over the world. And it has occurred at just that time when the US dollar has begun its perhaps irreversible decline that might culminate in its collapse. Such a collapse would also bring down all the paper-money in the world and electronic money, controlled by the Jewish- controlled banking system, would then control all the money in the money-system of the world. This momentous Sign in the East that occurred at the end of December 2004 appears, therefore, to be a sign to mankind warning that dangerous change in the world will soon take place. It appears to be the first of the three major earthquakes, or ‘ sinkings of the earth’, as prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him), which would herald the return of the true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah Most High. If we are correct, and Allah Knows best, then the world has to await only two more such major events before the son of Mary returns to liberate us from the oppressors who now rule the world.
When a second massive earthquake (with a sinking down, caving in, or displacement of the earth) eventually occurs in the west, after the recent one in the east, that would further confirm the analysis presented in this essay. All that would then remain to occur for Jesus to descend from the clouds would be the third earthquake in Arabia that would swallow an entire army, and the fire that would come out of Yemen. We are so close to that event that we can already feel the heat of that fire. Although what appears to be the first of the three major earthquakes occurred underwater and resulted in the massive Tsunami in South East Asia, it is not necessary that the second that would occur in the west would be similar. After all, we know that the third and last major earthquake would have its epicenter on land just north of Makkah in Arabia. But it would seem that the mid-Atlantic (rather than the Pacific) may be the location of the major earthquake of the west that is to come. In case the second major earthqake occurs in the mid-Atlantic, the islands of the Caribbean and the eastern coast of USA and Canada as well as South America would be likely to be affected. It could also be a big earthquake in California along the fault.
Narrated Aisha: Allah’s Apostle said, “An army would invade the Ka’aba and when the invaders reach Al-Baida’, all the ground would sink and swallow the whole army. ” I said, “O Allah’s Apostle! How would they sink into the ground while amongst them would be their markets (the people who worked in business and not invaders) and the people not belonging to them?” The Prophet replied, “All of those people would sink but they would be resurrected and judged according to their intentions. ” (Sahih al-Bukhari) Narrated Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu ’minin: The Prophet said: “Disagreement will occur at the death of a Caliph and a man of the people of Madina would come flying forth to Makkah. Some of the people of Makkah would come to him, bring him out against his will, and swear allegiance to him between the Corner and the Maqam. An expeditionary force would then be sent against him from Syria but would be swallowed up in the desert between Makkah and Madina.” (Sunan Abu Daud) It is quite clear from the above prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) that the third earthquake would take place at the time of the advent of Imam al-Mahdi. But the Imam cannot emerge to liberate the Arabian heartland of Islam until Israel has become the ruling state in the world. And Allah knows best!
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) has spoken extensively and in minute details about the event of the return of Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him). But that event is so rich and complex that it lies beyond the scope of this paper.
When this recent displacement of the earth occurred under the sea, and consequently resulted in the massive Tsunami, it ensured that those who have maliciously concealed the Truth time and again in history could not conceal this major Sign of the Last Day. The magnitude of the event, i.e., the severity of the earthquake (9 on the Richter scale) and, more importantly, the massive damage already done and still unfolding, makes it absolutely unique for mankind today. Secondly, I am impressed by the location of the event - it occurred in that East which is clearly east of Madinah. Thirdly, and most important of all, I would like to direct attention to the time that it occurred. This was after the liberation of the Holy Land (1917), and return of the Jews to reclaim the Holy Land as their own (1918-1948). It was also after the restoration of a State of Israel in the Holy Land (1948) and the growth of Israel to become a superpower in the world (i.e., the present). Finally it occurred at precisely that time when Israel is about to wage her big war of massive territorial expansion after which Israel would replace USA as the ruling state in the world. Jesus cannot return until all these things have occurred. It has also occurred at that time when the prophecy of the Prophet concerning the abandonment of the Hajj seems about to be fulfilled. The Hajj would pose a gigantic security threat to the present Saudi ruling elite whenever Israel wages its big war and assumes rule over the world. And it has occurred at just that time when the US dollar has begun its perhaps irreversible decline that might culminate in its collapse. Such a collapse would also bring down all the paper-money in the world and electronic money, controlled by the Jewish- controlled banking system, would then control all the money in the money-system of the world. This momentous Sign in the East that occurred at the end of December 2004 appears, therefore, to be a sign to mankind warning that dangerous change in the world will soon take place. It appears to be the first of the three major earthquakes, or ‘ sinkings of the earth’, as prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him), which would herald the return of the true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah Most High. If we are correct, and Allah Knows best, then the world has to await only two more such major events before the son of Mary returns to liberate us from the oppressors who now rule the world.
When a second massive earthquake (with a sinking down, caving in, or displacement of the earth) eventually occurs in the west, after the recent one in the east, that would further confirm the analysis presented in this essay. All that would then remain to occur for Jesus to descend from the clouds would be the third earthquake in Arabia that would swallow an entire army, and the fire that would come out of Yemen. We are so close to that event that we can already feel the heat of that fire. Although what appears to be the first of the three major earthquakes occurred underwater and resulted in the massive Tsunami in South East Asia, it is not necessary that the second that would occur in the west would be similar. After all, we know that the third and last major earthquake would have its epicenter on land just north of Makkah in Arabia. But it would seem that the mid-Atlantic (rather than the Pacific) may be the location of the major earthquake of the west that is to come. In case the second major earthqake occurs in the mid-Atlantic, the islands of the Caribbean and the eastern coast of USA and Canada as well as South America would be likely to be affected. It could also be a big earthquake in California along the fault.
Narrated Aisha: Allah’s Apostle said, “An army would invade the Ka’aba and when the invaders reach Al-Baida’, all the ground would sink and swallow the whole army. ” I said, “O Allah’s Apostle! How would they sink into the ground while amongst them would be their markets (the people who worked in business and not invaders) and the people not belonging to them?” The Prophet replied, “All of those people would sink but they would be resurrected and judged according to their intentions. ” (Sahih al-Bukhari) Narrated Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu ’minin: The Prophet said: “Disagreement will occur at the death of a Caliph and a man of the people of Madina would come flying forth to Makkah. Some of the people of Makkah would come to him, bring him out against his will, and swear allegiance to him between the Corner and the Maqam. An expeditionary force would then be sent against him from Syria but would be swallowed up in the desert between Makkah and Madina.” (Sunan Abu Daud) It is quite clear from the above prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) that the third earthquake would take place at the time of the advent of Imam al-Mahdi. But the Imam cannot emerge to liberate the Arabian heartland of Islam until Israel has become the ruling state in the world. And Allah knows best!
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) has spoken extensively and in minute details about the event of the return of Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him). But that event is so rich and complex that it lies beyond the scope of this paper.
Signs of the Last Day 3 (The Las Part)
(last Part)
When this recent displacement of the earth occurred under the sea, and consequently resulted in the massive Tsunami, it ensured that those who have maliciously concealed the Truth time and again in history could not conceal this major Sign of the Last Day. The magnitude of the event, i.e., the severity of the earthquake (9 on the Richter scale) and, more importantly, the massive damage already done and still unfolding, makes it absolutely unique for mankind today. Secondly, I am impressed by the location of the event - it occurred in that East which is clearly east of Madinah. Thirdly, and most important of all, I would like to direct attention to the time that it occurred. This was after the liberation of the Holy Land (1917), and return of the Jews to reclaim the Holy Land as their own (1918-1948). It was also after the restoration of a State of Israel in the Holy Land (1948) and the growth of Israel to become a superpower in the world (i.e., the present). Finally it occurred at precisely that time when Israel is about to wage her big war of massive territorial expansion after which Israel would replace USA as the ruling state in the world. Jesus cannot return until all these things have occurred. It has also occurred at that time when the prophecy of the Prophet concerning the abandonment of the Hajj seems about to be fulfilled. The Hajj would pose a gigantic security threat to the present Saudi ruling elite whenever Israel wages its big war and assumes rule over the world. And it has occurred at just that time when the US dollar has begun its perhaps irreversible decline that might culminate in its collapse. Such a collapse would also bring down all the paper-money in the world and electronic money, controlled by the Jewish- controlled banking system, would then control all the money in the money-system of the world. This momentous Sign in the East that occurred at the end of December 2004 appears, therefore, to be a sign to mankind warning that dangerous change in the world will soon take place. It appears to be the first of the three major earthquakes, or ‘ sinkings of the earth’, as prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him), which would herald the return of the true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah Most High. If we are correct, and Allah Knows best, then the world has to await only two more such major events before the son of Mary returns to liberate us from the oppressors who now rule the world.
When a second massive earthquake (with a sinking down, caving in, or displacement of the earth) eventually occurs in the west, after the recent one in the east, that would further confirm the analysis presented in this essay. All that would then remain to occur for Jesus to descend from the clouds would be the third earthquake in Arabia that would swallow an entire army, and the fire that would come out of Yemen. We are so close to that event that we can already feel the heat of that fire. Although what appears to be the first of the three major earthquakes occurred underwater and resulted in the massive Tsunami in South East Asia, it is not necessary that the second that would occur in the west would be similar. After all, we know that the third and last major earthquake would have its epicenter on land just north of Makkah in Arabia. But it would seem that the mid-Atlantic (rather than the Pacific) may be the location of the major earthquake of the west that is to come. In case the second major earthqake occurs in the mid-Atlantic, the islands of the Caribbean and the eastern coast of USA and Canada as well as South America would be likely to be affected. It could also be a big earthquake in California along the fault.
Narrated Aisha: Allah’s Apostle said, “An army would invade the Ka’aba and when the invaders reach Al-Baida’, all the ground would sink and swallow the whole army. ” I said, “O Allah’s Apostle! How would they sink into the ground while amongst them would be their markets (the people who worked in business and not invaders) and the people not belonging to them?” The Prophet replied, “All of those people would sink but they would be resurrected and judged according to their intentions. ” (Sahih al-Bukhari) Narrated Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu ’minin: The Prophet said: “Disagreement will occur at the death of a Caliph and a man of the people of Madina would come flying forth to Makkah. Some of the people of Makkah would come to him, bring him out against his will, and swear allegiance to him between the Corner and the Maqam. An expeditionary force would then be sent against him from Syria but would be swallowed up in the desert between Makkah and Madina.” (Sunan Abu Daud) It is quite clear from the above prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) that the third earthquake would take place at the time of the advent of Imam al-Mahdi. But the Imam cannot emerge to liberate the Arabian heartland of Islam until Israel has become the ruling state in the world. And Allah knows best!
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) has spoken extensively and in minute details about the event of the return of Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him). But that event is so rich and complex that it lies beyond the scope of this paper.
When this recent displacement of the earth occurred under the sea, and consequently resulted in the massive Tsunami, it ensured that those who have maliciously concealed the Truth time and again in history could not conceal this major Sign of the Last Day. The magnitude of the event, i.e., the severity of the earthquake (9 on the Richter scale) and, more importantly, the massive damage already done and still unfolding, makes it absolutely unique for mankind today. Secondly, I am impressed by the location of the event - it occurred in that East which is clearly east of Madinah. Thirdly, and most important of all, I would like to direct attention to the time that it occurred. This was after the liberation of the Holy Land (1917), and return of the Jews to reclaim the Holy Land as their own (1918-1948). It was also after the restoration of a State of Israel in the Holy Land (1948) and the growth of Israel to become a superpower in the world (i.e., the present). Finally it occurred at precisely that time when Israel is about to wage her big war of massive territorial expansion after which Israel would replace USA as the ruling state in the world. Jesus cannot return until all these things have occurred. It has also occurred at that time when the prophecy of the Prophet concerning the abandonment of the Hajj seems about to be fulfilled. The Hajj would pose a gigantic security threat to the present Saudi ruling elite whenever Israel wages its big war and assumes rule over the world. And it has occurred at just that time when the US dollar has begun its perhaps irreversible decline that might culminate in its collapse. Such a collapse would also bring down all the paper-money in the world and electronic money, controlled by the Jewish- controlled banking system, would then control all the money in the money-system of the world. This momentous Sign in the East that occurred at the end of December 2004 appears, therefore, to be a sign to mankind warning that dangerous change in the world will soon take place. It appears to be the first of the three major earthquakes, or ‘ sinkings of the earth’, as prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him), which would herald the return of the true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah Most High. If we are correct, and Allah Knows best, then the world has to await only two more such major events before the son of Mary returns to liberate us from the oppressors who now rule the world.
When a second massive earthquake (with a sinking down, caving in, or displacement of the earth) eventually occurs in the west, after the recent one in the east, that would further confirm the analysis presented in this essay. All that would then remain to occur for Jesus to descend from the clouds would be the third earthquake in Arabia that would swallow an entire army, and the fire that would come out of Yemen. We are so close to that event that we can already feel the heat of that fire. Although what appears to be the first of the three major earthquakes occurred underwater and resulted in the massive Tsunami in South East Asia, it is not necessary that the second that would occur in the west would be similar. After all, we know that the third and last major earthquake would have its epicenter on land just north of Makkah in Arabia. But it would seem that the mid-Atlantic (rather than the Pacific) may be the location of the major earthquake of the west that is to come. In case the second major earthqake occurs in the mid-Atlantic, the islands of the Caribbean and the eastern coast of USA and Canada as well as South America would be likely to be affected. It could also be a big earthquake in California along the fault.
Narrated Aisha: Allah’s Apostle said, “An army would invade the Ka’aba and when the invaders reach Al-Baida’, all the ground would sink and swallow the whole army. ” I said, “O Allah’s Apostle! How would they sink into the ground while amongst them would be their markets (the people who worked in business and not invaders) and the people not belonging to them?” The Prophet replied, “All of those people would sink but they would be resurrected and judged according to their intentions. ” (Sahih al-Bukhari) Narrated Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu ’minin: The Prophet said: “Disagreement will occur at the death of a Caliph and a man of the people of Madina would come flying forth to Makkah. Some of the people of Makkah would come to him, bring him out against his will, and swear allegiance to him between the Corner and the Maqam. An expeditionary force would then be sent against him from Syria but would be swallowed up in the desert between Makkah and Madina.” (Sunan Abu Daud) It is quite clear from the above prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) that the third earthquake would take place at the time of the advent of Imam al-Mahdi. But the Imam cannot emerge to liberate the Arabian heartland of Islam until Israel has become the ruling state in the world. And Allah knows best!
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) has spoken extensively and in minute details about the event of the return of Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him). But that event is so rich and complex that it lies beyond the scope of this paper.
Signs of the Last Day 3
This appears to be totality of environmental pollution (not just smog and haze) that is already wreaking havoc on the earth itself and is bringing about global warming with the consequent impact of earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding etc. The modern industrial economy that Dajjal has authored, appears to be the greatest culprit of environmental pollution in the world today. In other words, we have been tricked into causing Dukhan (smoke) which in turn spawns global warming and eventual climatic disaster. And Allah Knows best! However, it is important that we note that there are several Ahadith in Sahih Bukhari that declare the sign of Dukhan (smoke) already appeared in the lifetime of the blessed Prophet. D’ABBATUL ARD (THE BEAST OF THE LAND OR EARTH) I have argued in ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’ that the beast of the earth’ is, in fact, the imposter State of Israel that now occupies the Holy Land. The learned Shaikh, Safar al-Hawali, holds the view that the ‘beast’ is the Zionist Movement. And Allah Knows best!
Those who interpret this sign literally assume that the order of nature would be reversed despite the Qur ’anic declaration that there can be no change in Allah ’s creation (of that natural order): “So set thou thy face steadily and truly to the faith: (establish) Allah ’s handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind: no change (can there be) in Allah ’s creation: that is the standard religion: but most among mankind understand not. ” (Qur’an, al-Rum, 30:30)
They also do so despite the specific declaration of Prophet Abraham (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) that his Lord-God causes the sun to rise from the East. Abraham then proceeded to challenge the King to cause the sun to rise from the West if he possessed power greater than Allah ’s: Hast thou not turned thy vision to one who disputed with Abraham about his Lord, because Allah had granted him power? Abraham said: “My Lord is He Who giveth life and death.” He said: “I give life and death.” Said Abraham: “But it is Allah that causeth the sun to rise from the East do thou then cause it to rise from the West !” Thus was he confounded who (in arrogance) rejected Faith. Nor doth Allah give guidance to a people unjust. (Qur ’an, al-Baqarah, 2:258)
And so they wait for that western sunrise as an event that would literally occur, while ignoring the basic rule that no Hadith can contradict the Qur ’an. But this sign has provoked numerous other non-literal interpretations, all of which agree that it has already occurred. Our view is that the rising of the sun from the West symbolizes an upside– down world in which mankind is led by their noses to a way of life which would be the very opposite of that natural way ordained by Allah. Natural money, for example, so identified in the Qur’an, is derived from precious metals. When such money is in short supply in a market such as Madina ’s, then a substitute in the form of commodities such as wheat, barley, dates, salt, etc., can temporarily take its place. Around the world today that natural money with intrinsic value has been displaced by artificial money with no intrinsic value and it is used as an instrument of oppression. That upside-down unnatural way of life has already been accepted by most of mankind. In this sense, therefore, the sun is already rising from the West. And Allah Knows best!
Many terrible earthquakes have already occurred in history. They have no relevance to our subject. We are concerned with three major ‘sinkings of the earth’ that would occur at a specific moment in history, i.e., they would occur at a time that would herald the return of Jesus, the Messiah, the son of Mary, and Messenger of Allah Most High. One would occur in the East, the second in the West, and the third in Arabia. When the third one takes place, the world of Islam would suddenly and dazzlingly reenter the affairs of the Arabian peninsular, as well as of the world, in the same revolutionary way that it did in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him). This appears to be the meaning of the last of the major signs (prior to the return of Jesus) mentioned by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him), i.e., that a fire would come out of Yemen and drive people to their place of assembly (i.e., for judgment) which is Arafat in Arabia.
I believe that the recent massive earthquake and resultant Tsunami in South East Asia which has claimed many more than 100,000 lives, is the earthquake of the East mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) in the ten major Signs of the Last Day. It could thus be the first of three such earthquakes heralding the return of Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him). I came to this conclusion because of the following reasons: Firstly, the prophecy of the blessed Prophet is that a ‘khasf’ would occur in the East, i.e., the earth sinks down or caves in. A ‘ Tsunami’ is defined as a sea wave of local or distant origin that results from large-scale seafloor displacements associated with large earthquakes, major submarine slides, or exploding volcanic islands.
to be continued in the next post... Insha Allah..
This appears to be totality of environmental pollution (not just smog and haze) that is already wreaking havoc on the earth itself and is bringing about global warming with the consequent impact of earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding etc. The modern industrial economy that Dajjal has authored, appears to be the greatest culprit of environmental pollution in the world today. In other words, we have been tricked into causing Dukhan (smoke) which in turn spawns global warming and eventual climatic disaster. And Allah Knows best! However, it is important that we note that there are several Ahadith in Sahih Bukhari that declare the sign of Dukhan (smoke) already appeared in the lifetime of the blessed Prophet. D’ABBATUL ARD (THE BEAST OF THE LAND OR EARTH) I have argued in ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’ that the beast of the earth’ is, in fact, the imposter State of Israel that now occupies the Holy Land. The learned Shaikh, Safar al-Hawali, holds the view that the ‘beast’ is the Zionist Movement. And Allah Knows best!
Those who interpret this sign literally assume that the order of nature would be reversed despite the Qur ’anic declaration that there can be no change in Allah ’s creation (of that natural order): “So set thou thy face steadily and truly to the faith: (establish) Allah ’s handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind: no change (can there be) in Allah ’s creation: that is the standard religion: but most among mankind understand not. ” (Qur’an, al-Rum, 30:30)
They also do so despite the specific declaration of Prophet Abraham (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) that his Lord-God causes the sun to rise from the East. Abraham then proceeded to challenge the King to cause the sun to rise from the West if he possessed power greater than Allah ’s: Hast thou not turned thy vision to one who disputed with Abraham about his Lord, because Allah had granted him power? Abraham said: “My Lord is He Who giveth life and death.” He said: “I give life and death.” Said Abraham: “But it is Allah that causeth the sun to rise from the East do thou then cause it to rise from the West !” Thus was he confounded who (in arrogance) rejected Faith. Nor doth Allah give guidance to a people unjust. (Qur ’an, al-Baqarah, 2:258)
And so they wait for that western sunrise as an event that would literally occur, while ignoring the basic rule that no Hadith can contradict the Qur ’an. But this sign has provoked numerous other non-literal interpretations, all of which agree that it has already occurred. Our view is that the rising of the sun from the West symbolizes an upside– down world in which mankind is led by their noses to a way of life which would be the very opposite of that natural way ordained by Allah. Natural money, for example, so identified in the Qur’an, is derived from precious metals. When such money is in short supply in a market such as Madina ’s, then a substitute in the form of commodities such as wheat, barley, dates, salt, etc., can temporarily take its place. Around the world today that natural money with intrinsic value has been displaced by artificial money with no intrinsic value and it is used as an instrument of oppression. That upside-down unnatural way of life has already been accepted by most of mankind. In this sense, therefore, the sun is already rising from the West. And Allah Knows best!
Many terrible earthquakes have already occurred in history. They have no relevance to our subject. We are concerned with three major ‘sinkings of the earth’ that would occur at a specific moment in history, i.e., they would occur at a time that would herald the return of Jesus, the Messiah, the son of Mary, and Messenger of Allah Most High. One would occur in the East, the second in the West, and the third in Arabia. When the third one takes place, the world of Islam would suddenly and dazzlingly reenter the affairs of the Arabian peninsular, as well as of the world, in the same revolutionary way that it did in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him). This appears to be the meaning of the last of the major signs (prior to the return of Jesus) mentioned by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him), i.e., that a fire would come out of Yemen and drive people to their place of assembly (i.e., for judgment) which is Arafat in Arabia.
I believe that the recent massive earthquake and resultant Tsunami in South East Asia which has claimed many more than 100,000 lives, is the earthquake of the East mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) in the ten major Signs of the Last Day. It could thus be the first of three such earthquakes heralding the return of Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him). I came to this conclusion because of the following reasons: Firstly, the prophecy of the blessed Prophet is that a ‘khasf’ would occur in the East, i.e., the earth sinks down or caves in. A ‘ Tsunami’ is defined as a sea wave of local or distant origin that results from large-scale seafloor displacements associated with large earthquakes, major submarine slides, or exploding volcanic islands.
to be continued in the next post... Insha Allah..
Friday, October 29, 2010
Signs of the Last Day 3 : Major Sign.. Dajjal , Gog and Magog..
Hudhayfah ibn Usayd Ghifari, the companion of the Prophet, said, “Allah’s Messenger came to us all of a sudden as we were (busy in a discussion).
He asked: What are you discussing?
(The Companions) replied: We are discussing (the subject of) the Last Hour.
Thereupon he said: It will not come until you see ten signs.
And (in this connection) he made a mention of the ‘ smoke’, ‘Dajjal’, the ‘beast’, the ‘rising of the sun from the west’, the ‘descent of Jesus son of Mary’, ‘Gog and Magog’, ‘sinkings of the earth in three places, one in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia ’ at the end of which ‘fire would burn forth from Yemen, and would drive people to the place of their assembly ’ (i.e., the place where mankind will be assembled for judgment).” (Sahih Muslim)
the ten major Signs of the Last Day as prophesied by Prophet Muhammad pbuh:
• Dajjal the false Messiah or Anti-Christ
• Gog and Magog,
• Smoke,
• The beast of the earth or land (most likely the holy land),
• The sun would rise from the west,
• Three sinkings of the earth
• one in the east
• One in the west
• and One in Arabia,
• A fire would come out of Yemen and would drive people to their place of assembly (for judgement)
• The son of Mary would descend.
Although these signs were not given by the blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) in their chronological order of occurrence I have made an effort to put them in that order, with the ones that have not as yet occurred at the bottom of the list. How did I arrive at the above order?
We know from the prophecies of the blessed Prophet that the third major ‘ sinking of the earth’, i.e., the one that would occur in Arabia, would swallow an army that would be heading south to Makkah. That army would be on its way to attack Imam al-Mahdi, the descendent of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him). It was prophesied that he would restore the Islamic Caliphate (or Islamic model of a state) in the Arabian peninsula. It is after that sign has occurred (i.e., the third major earthquake) that the son of Mary would descend from the sky with his hands resting on the wings of two angels, and would kill Dajjal the False Messiah or Anti-Christ.
The Qur ’an itself has described Jesus (i.e., the return of Jesus) as the ‘ ilm (which here means the very key to the subject) of the Last Hour:
“And he (i.e., Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow Me: this is a Straight Way. ” (Qur’an, Zukhruf, 43:61)
It follows that his return must come chronologically at the end of the list. We also know that the ‘fire’ from Yemen would follow the third earthquake. And so now that it appears that the major earthquake in the East has occurred, we await four more major signs that still remain to occur. When did the first six ‘major’ signs occur?
I have argued in my book, ‘ Jerusalem in the Qur’an – An Islamic View of the Destiny of Jerusalem ’, that Dajjal the False Messiah or Antichrist was released into the world in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him).
He has already completed the first stage of his mission that lasted for “a day like a year”, and is about to complete the second stage that lasts for “a day like a month”.
The third and last stage of his mission (of impersonation of the true Messiah) that would last for just “a day like a week” would, I believe, commence when Israel replaces USA as the ruling state of the world.
And that would occur when Israel wages a big war that would result in dramatic territorial expansion “from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates”.
Israel would then seize control of the Suez Canal and all the oil of the Arabian Gulf. By the end of that third stage, Dajjal the false Messiah or Antichrist would have been born into the world of Jewish parents, would have risen to become ruler of Israel and, hence, would have completed his mission to rule the world from Jerusalem. And Allah Knows best!
An entire chapter of the book is devoted to explaining the subject of Dajjal. I am now writing a quartet of books on Surah al-Kahf of the Qur ’an, and one of the four books would be entirely devoted to a comprehensive explanation of the subject of Dajjal, the false Messiah or Anti-Christ in Islam Insha Allah.
I have also argued in my book that Gog and Magog were released into the world in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him).
The Qur’an itself has made mention (Qur’an, al-Anbiyah, 21:94-5) of a ‘town’ which was destroyed by Allah Most High, and the people of the town expelled, and then banned from returning to reclaim their town until Gog and Magog were not only released but, also, had spread out (around the world) in all directions.
“But there is a ban on a town which We have destroyed: that they (the people of the town) shall not return (to reclaim that town as their own); until Gog and Magog are let through (their barrier), and they swiftly spread out in every direction (replicating themselves amongst all the peoples of the world). ” (Qur’an, al-Anbiyah, 21:95-96)
I identified that ‘town’ to be Jerusalem. And since the Jews have already returned to Jerusalem to reclaim it as their own, it follows that Gog and Magog, like Dajjal, are also close to the end of their mission. And Allah Knows best!
He asked: What are you discussing?
(The Companions) replied: We are discussing (the subject of) the Last Hour.
Thereupon he said: It will not come until you see ten signs.
And (in this connection) he made a mention of the ‘ smoke’, ‘Dajjal’, the ‘beast’, the ‘rising of the sun from the west’, the ‘descent of Jesus son of Mary’, ‘Gog and Magog’, ‘sinkings of the earth in three places, one in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia ’ at the end of which ‘fire would burn forth from Yemen, and would drive people to the place of their assembly ’ (i.e., the place where mankind will be assembled for judgment).” (Sahih Muslim)
the ten major Signs of the Last Day as prophesied by Prophet Muhammad pbuh:
• Dajjal the false Messiah or Anti-Christ
• Gog and Magog,
• Smoke,
• The beast of the earth or land (most likely the holy land),
• The sun would rise from the west,
• Three sinkings of the earth
• one in the east
• One in the west
• and One in Arabia,
• A fire would come out of Yemen and would drive people to their place of assembly (for judgement)
• The son of Mary would descend.
Although these signs were not given by the blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) in their chronological order of occurrence I have made an effort to put them in that order, with the ones that have not as yet occurred at the bottom of the list. How did I arrive at the above order?
We know from the prophecies of the blessed Prophet that the third major ‘ sinking of the earth’, i.e., the one that would occur in Arabia, would swallow an army that would be heading south to Makkah. That army would be on its way to attack Imam al-Mahdi, the descendent of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him). It was prophesied that he would restore the Islamic Caliphate (or Islamic model of a state) in the Arabian peninsula. It is after that sign has occurred (i.e., the third major earthquake) that the son of Mary would descend from the sky with his hands resting on the wings of two angels, and would kill Dajjal the False Messiah or Anti-Christ.
The Qur ’an itself has described Jesus (i.e., the return of Jesus) as the ‘ ilm (which here means the very key to the subject) of the Last Hour:
“And he (i.e., Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow Me: this is a Straight Way. ” (Qur’an, Zukhruf, 43:61)
It follows that his return must come chronologically at the end of the list. We also know that the ‘fire’ from Yemen would follow the third earthquake. And so now that it appears that the major earthquake in the East has occurred, we await four more major signs that still remain to occur. When did the first six ‘major’ signs occur?
I have argued in my book, ‘ Jerusalem in the Qur’an – An Islamic View of the Destiny of Jerusalem ’, that Dajjal the False Messiah or Antichrist was released into the world in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him).
He has already completed the first stage of his mission that lasted for “a day like a year”, and is about to complete the second stage that lasts for “a day like a month”.
The third and last stage of his mission (of impersonation of the true Messiah) that would last for just “a day like a week” would, I believe, commence when Israel replaces USA as the ruling state of the world.
And that would occur when Israel wages a big war that would result in dramatic territorial expansion “from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates”.
Israel would then seize control of the Suez Canal and all the oil of the Arabian Gulf. By the end of that third stage, Dajjal the false Messiah or Antichrist would have been born into the world of Jewish parents, would have risen to become ruler of Israel and, hence, would have completed his mission to rule the world from Jerusalem. And Allah Knows best!
An entire chapter of the book is devoted to explaining the subject of Dajjal. I am now writing a quartet of books on Surah al-Kahf of the Qur ’an, and one of the four books would be entirely devoted to a comprehensive explanation of the subject of Dajjal, the false Messiah or Anti-Christ in Islam Insha Allah.
I have also argued in my book that Gog and Magog were released into the world in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him).
The Qur’an itself has made mention (Qur’an, al-Anbiyah, 21:94-5) of a ‘town’ which was destroyed by Allah Most High, and the people of the town expelled, and then banned from returning to reclaim their town until Gog and Magog were not only released but, also, had spread out (around the world) in all directions.
“But there is a ban on a town which We have destroyed: that they (the people of the town) shall not return (to reclaim that town as their own); until Gog and Magog are let through (their barrier), and they swiftly spread out in every direction (replicating themselves amongst all the peoples of the world). ” (Qur’an, al-Anbiyah, 21:95-96)
I identified that ‘town’ to be Jerusalem. And since the Jews have already returned to Jerusalem to reclaim it as their own, it follows that Gog and Magog, like Dajjal, are also close to the end of their mission. And Allah Knows best!
Signs of the Last Day 2: Minor Signs of the Last Day (P2)t
• Universal consumption of Riba (i.e, money lent on interest, and transactions which ‘rip off’ people through deception in business, etc.) Around the world today Riba in modern banking and insurance, as well as in the monetary system, has already taken total control over the market and over economic life. There are some minor signs which have been couched inenigmatic language such as,
• “A slave woman would give birth to her mistress”, made possible through a combination of Riba and the modern feminist revolution, and;
• “Naked barefooted shepherds would vie with one another in the construction of high-rise buildings ”.
This is already being fulfilled when wealth is wasted in grandiose and expensive public relations construction projects commissioned by people who hanker for visible symbols of status in a modern world which recognizes the rich as a ‘somebody’ and the poor as a ‘nobody’ (see story of the rich man and the poor man in Surah al-Kahf of the Qur ’an). And then there are minor signs which have not as yet occurred such as:
• “The Last Hour would not come until there issues from the land of the Hejaz (which is in Saudi Arabia) a fire which will illuminate the backs of the camels in Busra ”. But for the exchange of Basra for Hejaz, this prophecy perhaps, anticipates a nuclear attack in or around Iran which would formally launch Israel into the club of nuclear powers.
So many of these minor Signs of the Last Day, and so many more not here mentioned, have already occurred, that we can now turn to the major Signs with a clear recognition that we are already living in that Last Age.
• “A slave woman would give birth to her mistress”, made possible through a combination of Riba and the modern feminist revolution, and;
• “Naked barefooted shepherds would vie with one another in the construction of high-rise buildings ”.
This is already being fulfilled when wealth is wasted in grandiose and expensive public relations construction projects commissioned by people who hanker for visible symbols of status in a modern world which recognizes the rich as a ‘somebody’ and the poor as a ‘nobody’ (see story of the rich man and the poor man in Surah al-Kahf of the Qur ’an). And then there are minor signs which have not as yet occurred such as:
• “The Last Hour would not come until there issues from the land of the Hejaz (which is in Saudi Arabia) a fire which will illuminate the backs of the camels in Busra ”. But for the exchange of Basra for Hejaz, this prophecy perhaps, anticipates a nuclear attack in or around Iran which would formally launch Israel into the club of nuclear powers.
So many of these minor Signs of the Last Day, and so many more not here mentioned, have already occurred, that we can now turn to the major Signs with a clear recognition that we are already living in that Last Age.
Signs of the Last Day 2 : MINOR SIGNS of the Last Day
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) prophesied of the Last Age that:
• “People would follow a way of life other than mine, and give guidance other than mine ”…“I fear for my people only the leaders who lead men astray ”…“Before the Last Hour there will be great liars, so beware of them ”
…“When the most wicked member of a tribe becomes its ruler, and the most worthless member of a community becomes its leader, and a man is respected through fear of the evil he may do, and leadership is given to people who are unworthy of it, expect the Last Hour ”.
All of these warnings have already been dramatically and ominously fulfilled. Around the world today, with but few exceptions, and even here in my native Caribbean island of Trinidad, people, including Muslims, now have the worst leaders.
This ominous sign of the Last Day has come to pass, yet there are so many who do not, or cannot see, and they blindly rush as dumb cattle to endorse or to follow such leaders for personal gain, or fear, or due to sheer ignorance;
• “Women would arrange their hair to look like the hump of a camel ”, and this sign has already occurred, we see it everyday;
• “ Women would dress like men”, and we already see them today with trousers, jacket and, perhaps, a tie; and “women would be dressed and yet be naked ”, and this prophecy, also, is now fulfilled. When women parade in public “dressed, yet naked”, as they do today, and when Muslims cannot prevent such, they should then seek to flee from such mainstream society rather than to remain a part of it until the women are fully naked and “donkey-like” sexual intercourse is on public display.
If they foolishly choose to remain a part of such corrupt and decadent society then they or their children would eventually be ruined by such a society.
• “Men would dress like women”, and already this sign also has come to pass. Almost no one can tell that ‘she’, the so- called ‘crossdresser’, is really a man;
• Homosexuality (and lesbianism) would become commonplace, and that is now happening before our very eyes. Social acceptance and legal protection for this abominable sexual perversion is gaining ground. Indeed those who hold fast to the divine prohibition of such sexual perversion are now demonized as a people who suffer from a disease called ‘ homophobia’;
• Children born outside of marriage would become commonplace, in fact marriage itself now seems destined to become obsolete;
• Fornication and adultery would become commonplace, that, also, appears to have already been fulfilled in a modern world in which virginity and marital fidelity are becoming old-fashioned;
• Disproportion in balance of men and women to such an extent that “one man would have to maintain (not marry) fifty women ”, that is yet to occur but could be linked to the impact on male sperm production of such things as environmental pollution and genetically modified food;
• Universal consumption of alcoholic beverages, this “ mother of all evils” has already become a horrendous plague in which no one is safe from the drunk driver; the unborn baby drinks when his mother drinks and suffers unimaginably for such; people, including Prime Ministers, drink and become drunk, and then behave in public like asses;
• “Religious knowledge would disappear”, since the rightly- guided scholars of Islam are demonized, marginalized, “ banned”, or declared to be “great security risks”. Only those scholars who can skillfully skip and dance to the tunes of those who control power are allowed the unfettered freedom to preach a sanitized cosmetic version of Islam acceptable to the godless rulers of the world. Institutions of Islamic learning are forced to submit to the control of those waging war on Islam. If they do not submit, they are shut down. Foreign students are prohibited from studying Islam in certain so- called Islamic Republics;
• “Time would move swiftly—a year passing like a month—a month like a week—a week like a day” etc., and already the perception of swiftly moving time is a universal experience;
• Such prevalence of random killing, murder and violence that “ a killer would not know why he is killing and the one who is killed would not know why he is being killed ”, and “every age is followed by one which would be worse ”—already around the world senseless random killing has arrived and is constantly escalating;
• “Nothing would remain of Islam but the name, and nothing would remain of the Qur ’an but the traces (of its writing) (i.e., the Qur’an would not be studied, no one would follow its guidance, it would be recited mechanically etc.); the Masajid (mosques) would be grand structures but would be devoid of guidance; and the Ulama (religious scholars of Islam who represent such people) would be the worst people beneath the sky. From them would emerge Fitnah (trials) and they would be the centers of Fitnah (since they betray Islam )” — there are many distinguished scholars of Islam who declare that this prophesy, also, has today found fulfillment. The evidence of such is overwhelming. The Islamic Khilafah (Caliphate) has been long destroyed, Zakat is no longer collected and distributed by the state, money itself is now corrupted, the universal Shirk of the modern state has corrupted all of mankind, Riba is universally prevalent, the Hajj would probably soon be abandoned;
• “People would follow a way of life other than mine, and give guidance other than mine ”…“I fear for my people only the leaders who lead men astray ”…“Before the Last Hour there will be great liars, so beware of them ”
…“When the most wicked member of a tribe becomes its ruler, and the most worthless member of a community becomes its leader, and a man is respected through fear of the evil he may do, and leadership is given to people who are unworthy of it, expect the Last Hour ”.
All of these warnings have already been dramatically and ominously fulfilled. Around the world today, with but few exceptions, and even here in my native Caribbean island of Trinidad, people, including Muslims, now have the worst leaders.
This ominous sign of the Last Day has come to pass, yet there are so many who do not, or cannot see, and they blindly rush as dumb cattle to endorse or to follow such leaders for personal gain, or fear, or due to sheer ignorance;
• “Women would arrange their hair to look like the hump of a camel ”, and this sign has already occurred, we see it everyday;
• “ Women would dress like men”, and we already see them today with trousers, jacket and, perhaps, a tie; and “women would be dressed and yet be naked ”, and this prophecy, also, is now fulfilled. When women parade in public “dressed, yet naked”, as they do today, and when Muslims cannot prevent such, they should then seek to flee from such mainstream society rather than to remain a part of it until the women are fully naked and “donkey-like” sexual intercourse is on public display.
If they foolishly choose to remain a part of such corrupt and decadent society then they or their children would eventually be ruined by such a society.
• “Men would dress like women”, and already this sign also has come to pass. Almost no one can tell that ‘she’, the so- called ‘crossdresser’, is really a man;
• Homosexuality (and lesbianism) would become commonplace, and that is now happening before our very eyes. Social acceptance and legal protection for this abominable sexual perversion is gaining ground. Indeed those who hold fast to the divine prohibition of such sexual perversion are now demonized as a people who suffer from a disease called ‘ homophobia’;
• Children born outside of marriage would become commonplace, in fact marriage itself now seems destined to become obsolete;
• Fornication and adultery would become commonplace, that, also, appears to have already been fulfilled in a modern world in which virginity and marital fidelity are becoming old-fashioned;
• Disproportion in balance of men and women to such an extent that “one man would have to maintain (not marry) fifty women ”, that is yet to occur but could be linked to the impact on male sperm production of such things as environmental pollution and genetically modified food;
• Universal consumption of alcoholic beverages, this “ mother of all evils” has already become a horrendous plague in which no one is safe from the drunk driver; the unborn baby drinks when his mother drinks and suffers unimaginably for such; people, including Prime Ministers, drink and become drunk, and then behave in public like asses;
• “Religious knowledge would disappear”, since the rightly- guided scholars of Islam are demonized, marginalized, “ banned”, or declared to be “great security risks”. Only those scholars who can skillfully skip and dance to the tunes of those who control power are allowed the unfettered freedom to preach a sanitized cosmetic version of Islam acceptable to the godless rulers of the world. Institutions of Islamic learning are forced to submit to the control of those waging war on Islam. If they do not submit, they are shut down. Foreign students are prohibited from studying Islam in certain so- called Islamic Republics;
• “Time would move swiftly—a year passing like a month—a month like a week—a week like a day” etc., and already the perception of swiftly moving time is a universal experience;
• Such prevalence of random killing, murder and violence that “ a killer would not know why he is killing and the one who is killed would not know why he is being killed ”, and “every age is followed by one which would be worse ”—already around the world senseless random killing has arrived and is constantly escalating;
• “Nothing would remain of Islam but the name, and nothing would remain of the Qur ’an but the traces (of its writing) (i.e., the Qur’an would not be studied, no one would follow its guidance, it would be recited mechanically etc.); the Masajid (mosques) would be grand structures but would be devoid of guidance; and the Ulama (religious scholars of Islam who represent such people) would be the worst people beneath the sky. From them would emerge Fitnah (trials) and they would be the centers of Fitnah (since they betray Islam )” — there are many distinguished scholars of Islam who declare that this prophesy, also, has today found fulfillment. The evidence of such is overwhelming. The Islamic Khilafah (Caliphate) has been long destroyed, Zakat is no longer collected and distributed by the state, money itself is now corrupted, the universal Shirk of the modern state has corrupted all of mankind, Riba is universally prevalent, the Hajj would probably soon be abandoned;
Signs of the Last Day 1: LAST DAY MEANS LAST AGE
The term ‘Last Day’ in reality stands for the ‘Last Age’, or the age which would culminate in the end of history —when the true Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary (not son of God), would return to rule the world from Jerusalem with justice and ‘ eternal’ rule. It would be ‘eternal’ in the sense that history would end with that event. Life on earth beyond that event, and after Jesus dies a human death and is buried next to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both) in Madinah, would not qualify as history.
This would be so since the modern secular rope would have reached its predictable end in total godlessness, and with such a consequent collapse of morals, and of moral consciousness, that people would forget their human status and “would engage in sexual intercourse in public like donkeys ”. Already it is quite clear (particularly at the time of Trinidad ’s Carnival) that we are quite close to the fulfillment of that ominous prophecy made by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
So much so then, for the spurious claims of the one-eyed Judeo-Christian western civilization and its ‘colored house slaves’ around the world. They claim that mankind is witnessing unprecedented progress, that the present is the best of all ages, that the world keeps on growing better and better, and that modern western civilization has rendered all previous civilizations, including Islam, moribund and obsolete!
So much so, then, for the local one-eyed ‘house slave’ here in my native island of Trinidad who insists that Muslims must remain a part of ‘mainstream society’ -even when that mainstream is heading for the hell-fire. When a ship is sinking and you cannot prevent it from sinking, you have to get off that ship, and urge others as well to do so. The ship of the world is now sinking!
The evidence is all around us as plainly visible as daylight! But those who are blind cannot see that the ship is sinking. They use their checkbooks, or the barrels of their guns, to impose themselves around the world as leaders. The blind then lead the blind until all are lost and will be drowned like the people of Noah (peace be upon him).
Prophet Muhammad prophesied many more signs of the Last Day other than public ‘donkey sex’. Most of these are known as the ‘ minor’ signs. Let us describe some of them (randomly selected) before we turn to the ten ‘major’ signs in which we venture to include the major underwater earthquake and resultant Tsunami in South East Asia that occurred in late December 2004.
This would be so since the modern secular rope would have reached its predictable end in total godlessness, and with such a consequent collapse of morals, and of moral consciousness, that people would forget their human status and “would engage in sexual intercourse in public like donkeys ”. Already it is quite clear (particularly at the time of Trinidad ’s Carnival) that we are quite close to the fulfillment of that ominous prophecy made by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
So much so then, for the spurious claims of the one-eyed Judeo-Christian western civilization and its ‘colored house slaves’ around the world. They claim that mankind is witnessing unprecedented progress, that the present is the best of all ages, that the world keeps on growing better and better, and that modern western civilization has rendered all previous civilizations, including Islam, moribund and obsolete!
So much so, then, for the local one-eyed ‘house slave’ here in my native island of Trinidad who insists that Muslims must remain a part of ‘mainstream society’ -even when that mainstream is heading for the hell-fire. When a ship is sinking and you cannot prevent it from sinking, you have to get off that ship, and urge others as well to do so. The ship of the world is now sinking!
The evidence is all around us as plainly visible as daylight! But those who are blind cannot see that the ship is sinking. They use their checkbooks, or the barrels of their guns, to impose themselves around the world as leaders. The blind then lead the blind until all are lost and will be drowned like the people of Noah (peace be upon him).
Prophet Muhammad prophesied many more signs of the Last Day other than public ‘donkey sex’. Most of these are known as the ‘ minor’ signs. Let us describe some of them (randomly selected) before we turn to the ten ‘major’ signs in which we venture to include the major underwater earthquake and resultant Tsunami in South East Asia that occurred in late December 2004.
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Negative effects of Body Art (Tattoos)
Imagine only having one shirt to wear for the rest of your life, it would be kind of weird wouldn’t it? Well that’s what tattoos are like, ink scarred into your flesh for the rest of your life. The word Tattoo comes from the Tahitian word “Tatu”, which is an indelible mark or design fixed upon the body by the insertion of pigment under the skin”(Clark, 2005, para. 1). These days, this is done by using a Rapid-Injection-Electrical device that punctures the dermal layer of the skin at a rapid pace, producing a design. In this essay paper I will explain the Negative effects that come with getting tattoos, such as, Health risks, Society’s view, and financial harm.
Good health is very important. That’s why you should be very careful when deciding to get a tattoo. Visit a range of studios, make sure the studio you choose is up to basic health standards. Make sure the studio you decide to go to has an autoclave or medical sterilization machine (uses very high heat to steam the equipment), and the needles are individual packaged, sealed and dated. Unlicensed artists who complete an apprenticeship do a lot of tattoos you see these days, so be careful which studio you go to. Tattoo inks are made of dyes created from a range of metals, which are mostly toxic. The most common effects of tattoos are hypersensitivity to the red dyes (cinnabar), and photosensitivity to the yellow pigments (cadmium, which is another toxic metal). There has never been a documentation of anyone getting cancer from tattoos, but dark inks can make melanoma, skin cancer, harder to detect. Another well-known infection from tattoos is Hepatitis. In one study, tattooing accounted for 41% of Hepatitis C infections (Clark, 2005, para. 15). The only cases known about HIV are of two men who received prison tattoos. Well-known signs of an infection after getting a tattoo are high fever, puss leaking from the wound, and red streaks extending from the tattoo. “Infection that is not properly tended to can result in serious health consequences and even death”(Hudson, 2005, para. 1).
Society frowns upon many things today in age, one of the biggest and most common being tattoos. In a recent study, completed by myself, the average person described body art as dirty, and gross. The damage tattoos can bring to someone in today’s society can be a lot worse than one would think. Many employers will not higher someone with tattoos, when they come in for an interview, and some employers will fire their staff if they find out they have tattoos. Over half of the families in Canada would not let their children get tattoos. A lot of parents kick their kids out of the house for getting body art, which leaves them, in most cases, with no where to go. Some families even disown children; I have a friend from high school in which this happened to. A large number of Restaurants and stores will not allow entrance with body art showing, must have them covered up or no entry.
A very well noticed effect that comes along with getting tattoos is financial trouble. As we all know it, body art costs money. The average rate for a tattoo studio is $100/per hour, and when you are in getting tattooed for 3-5 hours at a time, it can become very costly. After getting the actual tattoo, you will have to take care of it until it heals, which is approximately 6-7 weeks, so now you have to purchase skin lotions to help maintain the healing process. If one is concerned about their financial statement, than one should not get a tattoo because they are highly addictive, trust me, I know from experience. Before you know it, you won’t have any spare money or money at all, and soon fall behind in bills. Coming back to health effects, if you were to receive an infection or disease from getting a tattoo, now you will have to fork out more cash to buy creams and ointments for infections or paying hospital bills for treatment of the disease.
In conclusion, getting a tattoo can be a big mistake. You could end up with health problems, such as getting a small innocent infection or even attracting HIV. Think hard and long before you decide it’s your time to get one. Make sure you visit many studios, and look for one that meets the health standards. Plan out where you are going to get the tattoo on your body, think about what may happen at work or at home if you get this body art inked into your skin. And don’t get addicted like I did, because it is very hard to stop!
Having Tattoos Could Be a Sign of Low Self-Esteem
Note: This article is from the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph.
(by Kate Devlin, - Covering your body in tattoos like David Beckham is a sign of low self-esteem, a new study has found.
The body art, increasingly popular with celebrities such as Amy Winehouse and Angelina Jolie, could conceal a poor personal opinion of oneself, psychologists have found.
They warn that people considering a tattoo should think extremely carefully before submitting themselves to the needle and ink.
The study found that people who had three or more tattoos were likely to have low self esteem.
Marie Randle, from Liverpool Hope University, who carried out the study, said: "Tattooing has become more popular in recent years, especially among young women and there is a growing fascination with the tattoos of celebrities.
"The findings of this study suggest that tattoos are not just fashion accessories but driven by a wide range of motivational factors that are significantly associated with self-esteem.
"This strongly suggests that people consider getting tattooed should be encouraged to question their motivation before deciding to permanently change their appearance."
Researchers questioned 48 people for the study, some of whom had tattoos covering much of their body.
They found that there were four main reasons why people got tattoos - to be rebellious, to belong to a group, for aesthetic reasons and because of a strong emotional attachment.
This last group was becoming ever more popular, Mrs Randle said.
She added that not everyone who had a tattoo had poor self-esteem and that Beckham was unlikely to fit the bill.
"I think that David Beckham would be the exception to the rule. We found that having tattoos was just one predictor of self-esteem and not everybody who has tattoos has low self-esteem."
The findings were presented at the British Psychological Society annual conference in Brighton.
Good health is very important. That’s why you should be very careful when deciding to get a tattoo. Visit a range of studios, make sure the studio you choose is up to basic health standards. Make sure the studio you decide to go to has an autoclave or medical sterilization machine (uses very high heat to steam the equipment), and the needles are individual packaged, sealed and dated. Unlicensed artists who complete an apprenticeship do a lot of tattoos you see these days, so be careful which studio you go to. Tattoo inks are made of dyes created from a range of metals, which are mostly toxic. The most common effects of tattoos are hypersensitivity to the red dyes (cinnabar), and photosensitivity to the yellow pigments (cadmium, which is another toxic metal). There has never been a documentation of anyone getting cancer from tattoos, but dark inks can make melanoma, skin cancer, harder to detect. Another well-known infection from tattoos is Hepatitis. In one study, tattooing accounted for 41% of Hepatitis C infections (Clark, 2005, para. 15). The only cases known about HIV are of two men who received prison tattoos. Well-known signs of an infection after getting a tattoo are high fever, puss leaking from the wound, and red streaks extending from the tattoo. “Infection that is not properly tended to can result in serious health consequences and even death”(Hudson, 2005, para. 1).
Society frowns upon many things today in age, one of the biggest and most common being tattoos. In a recent study, completed by myself, the average person described body art as dirty, and gross. The damage tattoos can bring to someone in today’s society can be a lot worse than one would think. Many employers will not higher someone with tattoos, when they come in for an interview, and some employers will fire their staff if they find out they have tattoos. Over half of the families in Canada would not let their children get tattoos. A lot of parents kick their kids out of the house for getting body art, which leaves them, in most cases, with no where to go. Some families even disown children; I have a friend from high school in which this happened to. A large number of Restaurants and stores will not allow entrance with body art showing, must have them covered up or no entry.
A very well noticed effect that comes along with getting tattoos is financial trouble. As we all know it, body art costs money. The average rate for a tattoo studio is $100/per hour, and when you are in getting tattooed for 3-5 hours at a time, it can become very costly. After getting the actual tattoo, you will have to take care of it until it heals, which is approximately 6-7 weeks, so now you have to purchase skin lotions to help maintain the healing process. If one is concerned about their financial statement, than one should not get a tattoo because they are highly addictive, trust me, I know from experience. Before you know it, you won’t have any spare money or money at all, and soon fall behind in bills. Coming back to health effects, if you were to receive an infection or disease from getting a tattoo, now you will have to fork out more cash to buy creams and ointments for infections or paying hospital bills for treatment of the disease.
In conclusion, getting a tattoo can be a big mistake. You could end up with health problems, such as getting a small innocent infection or even attracting HIV. Think hard and long before you decide it’s your time to get one. Make sure you visit many studios, and look for one that meets the health standards. Plan out where you are going to get the tattoo on your body, think about what may happen at work or at home if you get this body art inked into your skin. And don’t get addicted like I did, because it is very hard to stop!
Having Tattoos Could Be a Sign of Low Self-Esteem
Note: This article is from the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph.
(by Kate Devlin, - Covering your body in tattoos like David Beckham is a sign of low self-esteem, a new study has found.
The body art, increasingly popular with celebrities such as Amy Winehouse and Angelina Jolie, could conceal a poor personal opinion of oneself, psychologists have found.
They warn that people considering a tattoo should think extremely carefully before submitting themselves to the needle and ink.
The study found that people who had three or more tattoos were likely to have low self esteem.
Marie Randle, from Liverpool Hope University, who carried out the study, said: "Tattooing has become more popular in recent years, especially among young women and there is a growing fascination with the tattoos of celebrities.
"The findings of this study suggest that tattoos are not just fashion accessories but driven by a wide range of motivational factors that are significantly associated with self-esteem.
"This strongly suggests that people consider getting tattooed should be encouraged to question their motivation before deciding to permanently change their appearance."
Researchers questioned 48 people for the study, some of whom had tattoos covering much of their body.
They found that there were four main reasons why people got tattoos - to be rebellious, to belong to a group, for aesthetic reasons and because of a strong emotional attachment.
This last group was becoming ever more popular, Mrs Randle said.
She added that not everyone who had a tattoo had poor self-esteem and that Beckham was unlikely to fit the bill.
"I think that David Beckham would be the exception to the rule. We found that having tattoos was just one predictor of self-esteem and not everybody who has tattoos has low self-esteem."
The findings were presented at the British Psychological Society annual conference in Brighton.
Islamic sexual jurisprudence
Homosexuality and Islam
Islam discourages celibacy as a form of religious practice, and considers marriage as the best form that regulates the sexual relationship of human beings.
Qur'anic verses made it legal for Muslim men to marry women from other Abrahamic religions (i.e. Jews and Christians), provided that the women are faithful (adherent) to their own religious beliefs. Contemporary scholars have upheld this ruling, but many view inter-faith marriages as unwise (as it leads to many problems such as determination of religion of children, etc.), albeit legal.
A Muslim woman, on the other hand, is only allowed to marry a Muslim man, one of the reasons being, to marry a non-Muslim man would mean that the children would grow up as non-Muslims. A marriage contract between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man is traditionally considered illegal and void, and hence legally an adulterous affair.
The Qur'an states the following conditions for men with regard to marriage:
4:22 And marry not women whom your fathers married save for what is past: it is shameful and odious—indeed an abominable custom.
4:23 Prohibited to you (For marriage) are:- Your mothers, daughters, sisters; father's sisters, Mother's sisters; brother's daughters, sister's daughters; foster-mothers, foster-sisters; your wives' mothers; your stepdaughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom ye have gone in,- no prohibition if ye have not gone in;- (Those who have been) wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time save for what is past; for God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
4:24 Also (prohibited are) women already married. Thus hath God ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property: desiring chastity, not lust, seeing that ye derive benefit from them, give them their dowers (at least) as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree mutually (to vary it), there is no blame on you. And God is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
4:25 If any of you have not the means wherewith to wed free believing women, they may wed believing girls from among those whom your right hands possess. And God hath full knowledge about your faith. Ye are one from another: wed them with the leave of their owners, and give them their dowers, according to what is reasonable. They should be chaste, not lustful, nor taking paramours: when they are taken in wedlock, if they fall into shame, their punishment is half that for free women. This (permission) is for those among you who fear sin; but it is better for you that ye practice self-restraint. And God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
4:26 Allah doth wish to make clear to you and to show you the ordinances of those before you; and (He doth wish to) turn to you (In Mercy): And God is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
Most forms of sexual contact within a marriage are allowed. Sex is considered a pleasurable, even spiritual activity, and a duty. At least one hadith explicitly states that for a married couple to have sex is a good deed rewarded by God. Another hadith suggests that a man should not leave the proverbial bed until the woman is satisfied, a reference many say points to orgasm.
Adultery warrants severe punishment. Pre-marital sex is also considered sinful, albeit less severe. All shari'a laws regulating sexual conduct apply to both men and women equally, apart from those concerning menstruation.
Forbidden sexual contact includes genital contact with a woman while she is menstruating. In such case, other sexual contact (such as kissing and any sexual activity that does not include vaginal contact) is explicitly allowed. Anal sex, whether it be between a married couple or not, is forbidden by all scholars according to the hadeeth "Cursed is the one who approaches his wife in her rectum" [20] Temporary marriage (Mut'a, marriage designated for a preset period of time) is not allowed by the majority Sunni schools, but is allowed by Shia schools. Debate continues on its validity.
There are dissenting views on the topic of masturbation. While some scholars consider it unlawful and thus prohibited according to Islamic doctrine, others (such as those of the Hanbali doctrine) believe that those who masturbate out of fear of committing fornication or fear for their bodies have done nothing wrong and are not punished if (and only if) they are unable to marry. According to some hadiths however, men are encouraged to fast in order to avoid fornication and tempting oneself with sexual thoughts or conversations with opposite sex outside marriage is strongly discouraged.
Homosexuality is forbidden in Islam; acts of sodomy are explicitly punishable by death in accordance with the Hadith: "Whomever you find doing the deed of the People of Lot, then kill both the doer and whomever he is doing it to." The four Caliphs upheld this ruling, as did all of the Prophet's companions. Sodomy is a capital crime in Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Sudan, and Mauritania.
Islam discourages celibacy as a form of religious practice, and considers marriage as the best form that regulates the sexual relationship of human beings.
Qur'anic verses made it legal for Muslim men to marry women from other Abrahamic religions (i.e. Jews and Christians), provided that the women are faithful (adherent) to their own religious beliefs. Contemporary scholars have upheld this ruling, but many view inter-faith marriages as unwise (as it leads to many problems such as determination of religion of children, etc.), albeit legal.
A Muslim woman, on the other hand, is only allowed to marry a Muslim man, one of the reasons being, to marry a non-Muslim man would mean that the children would grow up as non-Muslims. A marriage contract between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man is traditionally considered illegal and void, and hence legally an adulterous affair.
The Qur'an states the following conditions for men with regard to marriage:
4:22 And marry not women whom your fathers married save for what is past: it is shameful and odious—indeed an abominable custom.
4:23 Prohibited to you (For marriage) are:- Your mothers, daughters, sisters; father's sisters, Mother's sisters; brother's daughters, sister's daughters; foster-mothers, foster-sisters; your wives' mothers; your stepdaughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom ye have gone in,- no prohibition if ye have not gone in;- (Those who have been) wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time save for what is past; for God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
4:24 Also (prohibited are) women already married. Thus hath God ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property: desiring chastity, not lust, seeing that ye derive benefit from them, give them their dowers (at least) as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree mutually (to vary it), there is no blame on you. And God is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
4:25 If any of you have not the means wherewith to wed free believing women, they may wed believing girls from among those whom your right hands possess. And God hath full knowledge about your faith. Ye are one from another: wed them with the leave of their owners, and give them their dowers, according to what is reasonable. They should be chaste, not lustful, nor taking paramours: when they are taken in wedlock, if they fall into shame, their punishment is half that for free women. This (permission) is for those among you who fear sin; but it is better for you that ye practice self-restraint. And God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
4:26 Allah doth wish to make clear to you and to show you the ordinances of those before you; and (He doth wish to) turn to you (In Mercy): And God is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
Most forms of sexual contact within a marriage are allowed. Sex is considered a pleasurable, even spiritual activity, and a duty. At least one hadith explicitly states that for a married couple to have sex is a good deed rewarded by God. Another hadith suggests that a man should not leave the proverbial bed until the woman is satisfied, a reference many say points to orgasm.
Adultery warrants severe punishment. Pre-marital sex is also considered sinful, albeit less severe. All shari'a laws regulating sexual conduct apply to both men and women equally, apart from those concerning menstruation.
Forbidden sexual contact includes genital contact with a woman while she is menstruating. In such case, other sexual contact (such as kissing and any sexual activity that does not include vaginal contact) is explicitly allowed. Anal sex, whether it be between a married couple or not, is forbidden by all scholars according to the hadeeth "Cursed is the one who approaches his wife in her rectum" [20] Temporary marriage (Mut'a, marriage designated for a preset period of time) is not allowed by the majority Sunni schools, but is allowed by Shia schools. Debate continues on its validity.
There are dissenting views on the topic of masturbation. While some scholars consider it unlawful and thus prohibited according to Islamic doctrine, others (such as those of the Hanbali doctrine) believe that those who masturbate out of fear of committing fornication or fear for their bodies have done nothing wrong and are not punished if (and only if) they are unable to marry. According to some hadiths however, men are encouraged to fast in order to avoid fornication and tempting oneself with sexual thoughts or conversations with opposite sex outside marriage is strongly discouraged.
Homosexuality is forbidden in Islam; acts of sodomy are explicitly punishable by death in accordance with the Hadith: "Whomever you find doing the deed of the People of Lot, then kill both the doer and whomever he is doing it to." The four Caliphs upheld this ruling, as did all of the Prophet's companions. Sodomy is a capital crime in Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Sudan, and Mauritania.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Rendahkan Hati Dan Tidak Angkuh Dalam Berbicara
Bersikap rendah hatilah ketika Anda berbicara dengan orang lain. Allah berfirman, Katakanlah, Wahai Ahli kitab, marilah menuju kepada kesepakatan (kalimat sawa) antara kami dan kalian, yaitu kita tidak menyembah selain Allah dan kita tidak mempersekutukan Dia dengan apapun. Dan sebagian kita tidak (boleh) menjadikan sebagian yang lain sebagai tuhan-tuhan selain Allah. (QS. Ali Imran: 46) Rasulullah SAW menuliskan ayat ini dalam sebuah surat yang dikirim kepada Heraclius.
Perhatikan ucapan para Rasul kepada kaum-kaum mereka, Kami hanyalah manusia biasa seperti kalian. Hanya saja Allah memberi karunia kepada orang yang Dia kehendaki dari hamba-hamba-Nya. Dan kami tidak mampu mendatangkan kekuatan (bukti), kecuali dengan izin Allah. (QS. Ibrahim: 11)
Yusuf as. berkata, Tidak disampaikan kepada kalian berdua makanan yang akan diberikan kepada kalian, melainkan aku telah dapat menerangkan takwilnya (artinya) sebelum makanan itu sampai kepada kalian. Yang demikian itu adalah sebagian dari apa yang diajarkan kepadaku oleh Tuhanku. (QS. Yusuf: 37). Perhatikan kerendahan Yusuf yang dengan kemampuannya itu ia tetap mengatakan bahwa itu milik Allah.
Berikut ini adalah bentuk kerendahan hati yang tertinggi:
Rasulullah SAW berkata dalam suratnya kepada Heraclius, Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang. Dari Muhammad, hamba Allah dan Utusan-Nya. Kepada Heraclius Penguasa Ramawi. (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Begitu juga dengan Sulaiman as. yang menuliskan surat kepada Ratu Saba dan berkata, Sesungguhnya surat ini dari Sulaiman, dan sesungguhnya (surat ini diawali) dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang. Janganlah kalian berlaku sombong terhadapku dan datanglah kepadaku sebagai orang-orang yang berserah diri. (QS. An-Naml: 30-31) Oleh karena itu Ratu Saba menyebut surat itu dengan sebutan surat yang mulia, Telah dijatuhkan kepadaku sebuah surat yang mulia. (QS. An-Naml: 29)
Rendahkanlah hatimu ketika berbicara dengan orang lain. Jangan bersikap angkuh. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, Sesungguhnya Allah mewahyukan kepadaku agar kalian bersikap rendah hati, sehingga tidak ada orang yang membanggakan diri di hadapan orang lain dan tidak ada orang yang menzalimi orang lain. (HR. Muslim)
Dan beliau bersabda, Setiap orang yang rendah hati kepada Allah, pasti Dia mengangkat derajatnya. (HR. Muslim)
Oleh :
Musthafa Al-Adawy
Perhatikan ucapan para Rasul kepada kaum-kaum mereka, Kami hanyalah manusia biasa seperti kalian. Hanya saja Allah memberi karunia kepada orang yang Dia kehendaki dari hamba-hamba-Nya. Dan kami tidak mampu mendatangkan kekuatan (bukti), kecuali dengan izin Allah. (QS. Ibrahim: 11)
Yusuf as. berkata, Tidak disampaikan kepada kalian berdua makanan yang akan diberikan kepada kalian, melainkan aku telah dapat menerangkan takwilnya (artinya) sebelum makanan itu sampai kepada kalian. Yang demikian itu adalah sebagian dari apa yang diajarkan kepadaku oleh Tuhanku. (QS. Yusuf: 37). Perhatikan kerendahan Yusuf yang dengan kemampuannya itu ia tetap mengatakan bahwa itu milik Allah.
Berikut ini adalah bentuk kerendahan hati yang tertinggi:
Rasulullah SAW berkata dalam suratnya kepada Heraclius, Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang. Dari Muhammad, hamba Allah dan Utusan-Nya. Kepada Heraclius Penguasa Ramawi. (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Begitu juga dengan Sulaiman as. yang menuliskan surat kepada Ratu Saba dan berkata, Sesungguhnya surat ini dari Sulaiman, dan sesungguhnya (surat ini diawali) dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang. Janganlah kalian berlaku sombong terhadapku dan datanglah kepadaku sebagai orang-orang yang berserah diri. (QS. An-Naml: 30-31) Oleh karena itu Ratu Saba menyebut surat itu dengan sebutan surat yang mulia, Telah dijatuhkan kepadaku sebuah surat yang mulia. (QS. An-Naml: 29)
Rendahkanlah hatimu ketika berbicara dengan orang lain. Jangan bersikap angkuh. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, Sesungguhnya Allah mewahyukan kepadaku agar kalian bersikap rendah hati, sehingga tidak ada orang yang membanggakan diri di hadapan orang lain dan tidak ada orang yang menzalimi orang lain. (HR. Muslim)
Dan beliau bersabda, Setiap orang yang rendah hati kepada Allah, pasti Dia mengangkat derajatnya. (HR. Muslim)
Oleh :
Musthafa Al-Adawy
Dalam kehidupan, kamu tidak sedar apa yang dilakukan oleh seseorang terhadap diri kamu merupakan satu petanda yang dia mencintai kamu. Dia tidak ingin kamu tahu secara terus daripada mulut dia tetapi dia menunjukkannya melalui perbuatan. Berikut merupakan 24 ciri-ciri yang dilakukan oleh seseorang yang menunjukkan bahawa dia mencintai kamu.
1.Orang yang mencintai kamu tidak pernah mampu memberikan alasan kenapa dia mencintai kamu. Yang dia tahu di hati dan matanya hanya ada kamu satu-satunya.
2.Walaupun kamu sudah memiliki teman istimewa atau kekasih, dia tidak perduli! Baginya yang penting kamu bahagia dan kamu tetap menjadi impiannya.
3.Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu menerima kamu apa adanya, di hati dan matanya kamu selalu yang tercantik walaupun mungkin kamu merasa berat badan kamu sudah bertambah.
4.Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu ingin tahu tentang apa saja yang kamu lalui sepanjang hari ini, dia ingin tahu kegiatan kamu.
5.Orang yang mencintai kamu akan mengirimkan SMS seperti ‘selamat pagi’, ‘selamat hari minggu’, ‘selamat tidur’, ‘take care’, dan lain-lain lagi, walaupun kamu tidak membalas SMS nya, kerana dengan kiriman SMS itu lah dia menyatakan cintanya, menyatakan dalam cara yang berbeza, bukan “aku CINTA padamu”, tapi berselindung ayat selain kata cinta itu.
6.Jika kamu menyambut hari jadi dan kamu tidak mengundangnya ke majlis yang kamu adakan, setidak-tidaknya dia akan menelefon untuk mengucapkan selamat atau mengirim SMS.
7.Orang yang mencintai kamu akan selalu mengingat setiap kejadian yang dia lalui bersama kamu, bahkan mungkin kejadian yang kamu sendiri sudah melupakannya, kerana saat itu ialah sesuatu yang berharga untuknya. dan saat itu, matanya pasti berkaca. kerana saat bersamamu itu tidak boleh berulang selalu.
8.Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu mengingati setiap kata-kata yang kamu ucapkan, bahkan mungkin kata-kata yang kamu sendiri lupa pernah mengungkapkannya. Kerana dia menyematkan kata-katamu di hatinya, berapa banyak kata-kata penuh harapan yang kau tuturkan padanya, dan akhirnya kau musnahkan? Pasti kau lupa, tetapi bukan orang yang mencintai kamu.
9.Orang yang mencintai kamu akan belajar menggemari lagu-lagu kegemaran kamu, bahkan mungkin meminjam CD milik kamu, kerana dia ingin tahu apa kegemaran kamu – kesukaan kamu kesukaannya juga, walaupun sukar meminati kesukaan kamu, tapi akhirnya dia berjaya.
10.Kalau kali terakhir kalian bertemu kamu mungkin sedang selesema, atau batuk-batuk, dia akan sentiasa mengirim SMS atau menelefon untuk bertanya keadaan kamu – kerana dia bimbangkan tentang kamu, peduli tentang kamu.
11.Jika kamu mengatakan akan menghadapi ujian, dia akan menanyakan bila ujian itu berlangsung, dan saat harinya tiba dia akan mengirimkan SMS ‘good luck’ untuk memberi semangat kepada kamu.
12.Orang yang mencintai kamu akan memberikan suatu barang miliknya yang mungkin buat kamu itu ialah sesuatu yang biasa, tetapi baginya barang itu sangat istimewa.
13.Orang yang mencintai kamu akan terdiam sesaat, ketika sedang bercakap di telefon dengan kamu, sehingga kamu menjadi bingung. Sebenarnya saat itu dia merasa sangat gugup kerana kamu telah menggegarkan dunianya.
14.Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu ingin berada di dekat kamu dan ingin menghabiskan hari-harinya hanya dengan kamu.
15.Jika suatu saat kamu harus pindah ke daerah lain, dia akan sentiasa memberikan nasihat agar kamu waspada dengan persekitaran yang boleh membawa pengaruh buruk kepada kamu dan jauh.
16.Dihatinya dia benar-benar takut kehilangan kamu, pernah dengar ‘jauh dimata, dekat dihati?’
17.Orang yang mencintai kamu bertindak lebih seperti saudara daripada seperti seorang kekasih.
18.Orang yang mencintai kamu sering melakukan hal-hal yang SENGAL seperti menelefon kamu 100 kali dalam masa sehari. Atau mengejutkan kamu di tengah malam dengan mengirim SMS. Sebenarnya ketika itu dia sedang memikirkan kamu.
19.Orang yang mencintai kamu kadang-kadang merindukan kamu dan melakukan hal-hal yang membuat kamu pening kepala. Namun ketika kamu mengatakan tindakannya itu membuat kamu terganggu dia akan minta maaf dan tak akan melakukannya lagi.
20.Jika kamu memintanya untuk mengajarimu sesuatu maka ia akan mengajarimu dengan sabar walaupun kamu mungkin orang yang terbodoh di dunia! Bahkan dia begitu gembira kerana dapat membantu kamu. Dia tidak pernah mengelak dari menunaikan permintaan kamu walau sesukar mana permintaan mu.
21.Kalau kamu melihat handphone-nya maka nama kamu akan menghiasi sebahagian besar INBOX-nya. Dia masih menyimpan SMS-SMS dari kamu walaupun ia kamu kirim berbulan-bulan atau bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Dia juga menyimpan surat-surat kamu di tempat khas dan segala pemberian kamu menjadi benda-benda berharga buatnya.
22.Dan jika kamu cuba menjauhkan diri daripadanya atau memberi reaksi menolaknya, dia akan menyedarinya dan menghilang dari kehidupan kamu, walaupun hal itu membunuh hatinya.
23.Jika suatu saat kamu merindukannya dan ingin memberinya kesempatan dia akan ada menunggu kamu kerana sebenarnya dia tak pernah mencari orang lain, dia sentiasa menunggu kamu.
24.Orang yang begitu mencintaimu, tidak pernah memaksa kamu memberinya sebab dan alasan, walaupun hatinya meronta ingin mengetahui, kerana dia tidak mahu kamu terbeban dengan karenahnya. Saat kau pinta dia berlalu, dia pergi tanpa menyalahkan kamu, kerana dia benar-benar mengerti apa itu cinta.
“Pernah adakah orang yang berbuat seperti di atas kepada kamu? Jika ada, jangan pernah mensia-siakan orang tersebut… Kamu akan menyesal melakukannya!”
1.Orang yang mencintai kamu tidak pernah mampu memberikan alasan kenapa dia mencintai kamu. Yang dia tahu di hati dan matanya hanya ada kamu satu-satunya.
2.Walaupun kamu sudah memiliki teman istimewa atau kekasih, dia tidak perduli! Baginya yang penting kamu bahagia dan kamu tetap menjadi impiannya.
3.Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu menerima kamu apa adanya, di hati dan matanya kamu selalu yang tercantik walaupun mungkin kamu merasa berat badan kamu sudah bertambah.
4.Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu ingin tahu tentang apa saja yang kamu lalui sepanjang hari ini, dia ingin tahu kegiatan kamu.
5.Orang yang mencintai kamu akan mengirimkan SMS seperti ‘selamat pagi’, ‘selamat hari minggu’, ‘selamat tidur’, ‘take care’, dan lain-lain lagi, walaupun kamu tidak membalas SMS nya, kerana dengan kiriman SMS itu lah dia menyatakan cintanya, menyatakan dalam cara yang berbeza, bukan “aku CINTA padamu”, tapi berselindung ayat selain kata cinta itu.
6.Jika kamu menyambut hari jadi dan kamu tidak mengundangnya ke majlis yang kamu adakan, setidak-tidaknya dia akan menelefon untuk mengucapkan selamat atau mengirim SMS.
7.Orang yang mencintai kamu akan selalu mengingat setiap kejadian yang dia lalui bersama kamu, bahkan mungkin kejadian yang kamu sendiri sudah melupakannya, kerana saat itu ialah sesuatu yang berharga untuknya. dan saat itu, matanya pasti berkaca. kerana saat bersamamu itu tidak boleh berulang selalu.
8.Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu mengingati setiap kata-kata yang kamu ucapkan, bahkan mungkin kata-kata yang kamu sendiri lupa pernah mengungkapkannya. Kerana dia menyematkan kata-katamu di hatinya, berapa banyak kata-kata penuh harapan yang kau tuturkan padanya, dan akhirnya kau musnahkan? Pasti kau lupa, tetapi bukan orang yang mencintai kamu.
9.Orang yang mencintai kamu akan belajar menggemari lagu-lagu kegemaran kamu, bahkan mungkin meminjam CD milik kamu, kerana dia ingin tahu apa kegemaran kamu – kesukaan kamu kesukaannya juga, walaupun sukar meminati kesukaan kamu, tapi akhirnya dia berjaya.
10.Kalau kali terakhir kalian bertemu kamu mungkin sedang selesema, atau batuk-batuk, dia akan sentiasa mengirim SMS atau menelefon untuk bertanya keadaan kamu – kerana dia bimbangkan tentang kamu, peduli tentang kamu.
11.Jika kamu mengatakan akan menghadapi ujian, dia akan menanyakan bila ujian itu berlangsung, dan saat harinya tiba dia akan mengirimkan SMS ‘good luck’ untuk memberi semangat kepada kamu.
12.Orang yang mencintai kamu akan memberikan suatu barang miliknya yang mungkin buat kamu itu ialah sesuatu yang biasa, tetapi baginya barang itu sangat istimewa.
13.Orang yang mencintai kamu akan terdiam sesaat, ketika sedang bercakap di telefon dengan kamu, sehingga kamu menjadi bingung. Sebenarnya saat itu dia merasa sangat gugup kerana kamu telah menggegarkan dunianya.
14.Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu ingin berada di dekat kamu dan ingin menghabiskan hari-harinya hanya dengan kamu.
15.Jika suatu saat kamu harus pindah ke daerah lain, dia akan sentiasa memberikan nasihat agar kamu waspada dengan persekitaran yang boleh membawa pengaruh buruk kepada kamu dan jauh.
16.Dihatinya dia benar-benar takut kehilangan kamu, pernah dengar ‘jauh dimata, dekat dihati?’
17.Orang yang mencintai kamu bertindak lebih seperti saudara daripada seperti seorang kekasih.
18.Orang yang mencintai kamu sering melakukan hal-hal yang SENGAL seperti menelefon kamu 100 kali dalam masa sehari. Atau mengejutkan kamu di tengah malam dengan mengirim SMS. Sebenarnya ketika itu dia sedang memikirkan kamu.
19.Orang yang mencintai kamu kadang-kadang merindukan kamu dan melakukan hal-hal yang membuat kamu pening kepala. Namun ketika kamu mengatakan tindakannya itu membuat kamu terganggu dia akan minta maaf dan tak akan melakukannya lagi.
20.Jika kamu memintanya untuk mengajarimu sesuatu maka ia akan mengajarimu dengan sabar walaupun kamu mungkin orang yang terbodoh di dunia! Bahkan dia begitu gembira kerana dapat membantu kamu. Dia tidak pernah mengelak dari menunaikan permintaan kamu walau sesukar mana permintaan mu.
21.Kalau kamu melihat handphone-nya maka nama kamu akan menghiasi sebahagian besar INBOX-nya. Dia masih menyimpan SMS-SMS dari kamu walaupun ia kamu kirim berbulan-bulan atau bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Dia juga menyimpan surat-surat kamu di tempat khas dan segala pemberian kamu menjadi benda-benda berharga buatnya.
22.Dan jika kamu cuba menjauhkan diri daripadanya atau memberi reaksi menolaknya, dia akan menyedarinya dan menghilang dari kehidupan kamu, walaupun hal itu membunuh hatinya.
23.Jika suatu saat kamu merindukannya dan ingin memberinya kesempatan dia akan ada menunggu kamu kerana sebenarnya dia tak pernah mencari orang lain, dia sentiasa menunggu kamu.
24.Orang yang begitu mencintaimu, tidak pernah memaksa kamu memberinya sebab dan alasan, walaupun hatinya meronta ingin mengetahui, kerana dia tidak mahu kamu terbeban dengan karenahnya. Saat kau pinta dia berlalu, dia pergi tanpa menyalahkan kamu, kerana dia benar-benar mengerti apa itu cinta.
“Pernah adakah orang yang berbuat seperti di atas kepada kamu? Jika ada, jangan pernah mensia-siakan orang tersebut… Kamu akan menyesal melakukannya!”
Sepuluh Langkah Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan
Apabila kita akan menyambut tamu,kita akan berusaha menyiapkan penyambutan tamu tersebut dengan sebaik-baiknya,dengan memperindah pemandangan yang ada di rumah, mengumpulkan seluruh keluarga dan menyiapkan berbagai macam hidangan. Terlebih kalau tamu tersebut adalah tamu yang sangat kita hormati, maka persiapan yang kita lakukanpun akan semakin besar dan optimal. Beberapa hari lagi tamu yang agung akan datang menghampiri kita yaitu Bulan suci Ramadan. Kita sebagai orang beriman tidak boleh menyia-nyiakan musim ketaatan ini, karena Allah menyuruh kita untuk berlomba-lomba menyambut dan mengisinya dan untuk yang demikian itu hendaknya orang berlomba-lomba. (QS.Muthaffifin:26).kemudian bagaimana kita menyambutnya?
Paling tidak ada 10 langkah yang harus kita lakukan dalam menghadapi kedatangan bulan Ramadan:
Berdoa agar Allah kembali memberikan kesempatan kepada kita bertemu dengan bulan Ramadan dalam kondisi sehat wal afiat,sehingga kita bisa melaksanakan ibadah baik puasa, shalat, tilawah dan dzikir. Dari Anas bin Malik ra berkata, Bahwa Rasulullah saw apabila masuk bulan Rajab beliau selalu berdoa Allahuma Bariklana fi Rajab wa Syaban wa balighna Ramadan artinya Ya Allah berkahilah kami pada bulan Rajab dan bulan syaban dan sampaikan kami ke bulan Ramadan (HR.Ahmad dan Tabrani). Dan para salaf shaleh selalu memohon kepada Allah agar diberikan karunia bulan ramadan, dan berdoa agar Allah menerima amal mereka, apabila telah masuk awal ramadan mereka berdoa kepada Allah Allahu akbar, Allahuma Ahillahu Alaina bil amni wal iman was salamah wal islam wa taufik lima tuhibbuhu wa tardha artinya Ya Allah karuniakan kepada kami pada bulan ini keamanan, keimanan, keselamatan dan keislaman dan berikan kepada kami taufik agar mampu melakukan amalan yang engkau cintai dan ridhoi
Bersyukur dan memuji Allah atas karunia Ramadan yang kembali diberikan kepada kita. Al-Imam Nawawi Rahimahullah- dalam kitab adzkarnya berkata Dianjurkan bagi setiap orang yang mendapatkan kebaikan dan diangkat dari dirinya keburukan untuk bersujud kepada Allah sebagai tanda syukur, dan memuji Allah dengan pujian yang sesuai dengan keagungannya. Dan diantara nikmat terbesar yang diberikan Allah kepada seorang hamba adalah ketika dia diberikan kemampuan untuk melakukan ibadah & ketaatan. Maka ketika Ramadan telah tiba dan kita dalam kondisi sehat wal afiat maka kita harus bersyukur dengan memuji Allah sebagai bentuk syukur kita kepada Allah.
Bergembira dengan kedatangan Bulan Ramadan. Rasulullah saw selalu memberikan kabar gembira kepada para shahabat setiap kali datang bulan Ramadan, sebagaimana dalam sebuah hadits Telah datang kepada kalian bulan Ramadan, bulan yang penuh berkah, Allah telah mewajibkan kepada kalian untuk berpuasa, pada bulan itu Allah membuka pintu-pintu syurga dan menutup pintu-pintu neraka (HR.Ahmad). Dan para salafus saleh sangat memperhatikan bulan Ramadan, mereka sangat gembira dengan kedatangannya, karena tidak ada kegembiraan yang paling besar selain kedatangan bulan ramadan, karena bulan tersebut adalah bulan kebaikan dan turunnya rahmat.
Merancang agenda-agenda ukhrawi yang tepat agar mendapatkan manfaat bulan ramadan. Karena banyak diantara kaum muslimin hanya merencanakan agenda yang bersifat duniawi dengan sangat detil, tapi melupakan agenda-agenda yang bersifat ukhrawi. Ini merupakan gambaran bahwa kaum muslimin kurang memperhatikan waktu-waktu yang berharga dalam memperbaiki hubungan dengan Allah untuk membersihkan dirinya. Dan diantara agenda yang dapat dilaksanakan yaitu memanfaatkan ramadan dengan program-program ketaatan yang teratur dan terarah.
Bertekad mengisi waktu-waktu ramadan dengan ketaatan. Barangsiapa jujur kepada Allah maka Allah akan membantunya dalam melaksanakan agenda-agendanya dan memudahkannya melaksanakan aktifitas-aktifitas kebaikan. Tetapi jikalau mereka benar terhadap Allah, niscaya yang demikian itu lebih baik bagi mereka. (QS.Muhamad(47) : 21)
Mengertai dan memahami hukum-hukum Ramadan. Wajib bagi setiap mukmin dalam menyembah Allah dilandasi dengan ilmu. Tidak ada alasan bagi setiap mukmin tidak mengetahui ilmu yang berkenaan dengan hal-hal yang telah diwajibkan kepadanya. Diantaranya adalah puasa Ramadan, maka wajib untuk diketahui ilmu dan hukumnyanya sebelum Ramadan datang, agar puasanya benar dan diterima oleh Allah SWT. maka tanyakanlah olehmu kepada orang-orang yang berilmu, jika kamu tiada mengetahui.(QS.21:7)
Menyambut Ramadan dengan diiringi tekad meninggalkan dosa dan kebiasaan kebiasaan buruk dan bertaubat secara benar dari segala dosa dan kesalahan. Dan bertekad meninggalkannya disertai dengan penyesalan. Ramadan merupakan bulan taubat, kalau bukan di bulan Ramadan, kapan lagi kita bertaubat? Firman Allah Dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, hai orang-orang yang beriman supaya kamu beruntung.(QS.24:31).
Mempersiapkan jiwa dan ruhiyah kita dengan bacaan dan penelaahan melalui buku serta artikel. Juga dengan menghadiri majlis ilmu yang membahas tentang keutamaan puasa serta hukum dan hikmahnya. Sehingga secara kejiwaan kita siap untuk melaksanakan ketaatan pada bulan Ramadan. Rasulullah selalu memberikan semangat kepada para shahabat setiap penghujung syaban dan menjelang Ramadan tiba.
Mempersiapkan diri untuk berdakwah dengan langkah sebagai berikut:
Menulis catatan kecil untuk disampaikan dalam kultum
Membagikan buku-buku saku yang berisi nasehat,keutamaan puasa.
Memberikan hadiah Ramadan
Mengingatkan kaum muslimin untuk lebih peduli dengan kaum fuqoro.
Menyambut Ramadan dengan membuka lembaran baru yang bersih:
Kepada Allah dengan taubat yang jujur..
Kepada Rasul saw dengan mentaati apa yang diperintahkaan dan menjauhi apa yang dilarang.
Kepada Orang tua, karib kerabat serta anak dan istri dengan menyambung silaturrahmi.
Dengan masyarakat yang kita hidup bersama dengan mereka agar kita menjadi orang yang baik dan bermanfaat bagi mereka Khairun naas anfauuhum linnas Manusia yang paling baik adalah manusia yang paling bermanfaat bagi manusia.
Beginilah bumi yang kering menyambut turunnya hujan, baginilah seorang yang sedang sakit menyambut datangnya dokter dan beginilah seorang menunggu kekasihnya yang sudah lama ditunggu tunggu kedatangannya.
Penerjemah Abu Asma (H.Abdul Rahman, Lc)
Apabila kita akan menyambut tamu,kita akan berusaha menyiapkan penyambutan tamu tersebut dengan sebaik-baiknya,dengan memperindah pemandangan yang ada di rumah, mengumpulkan seluruh keluarga dan menyiapkan berbagai macam hidangan. Terlebih kalau tamu tersebut adalah tamu yang sangat kita hormati, maka persiapan yang kita lakukanpun akan semakin besar dan optimal. Beberapa hari lagi tamu yang agung akan datang menghampiri kita yaitu Bulan suci Ramadan. Kita sebagai orang beriman tidak boleh menyia-nyiakan musim ketaatan ini, karena Allah menyuruh kita untuk berlomba-lomba menyambut dan mengisinya dan untuk yang demikian itu hendaknya orang berlomba-lomba. (QS.Muthaffifin:26).kemudian bagaimana kita menyambutnya?
Paling tidak ada 10 langkah yang harus kita lakukan dalam menghadapi kedatangan bulan Ramadan:
Berdoa agar Allah kembali memberikan kesempatan kepada kita bertemu dengan bulan Ramadan dalam kondisi sehat wal afiat,sehingga kita bisa melaksanakan ibadah baik puasa, shalat, tilawah dan dzikir. Dari Anas bin Malik ra berkata, Bahwa Rasulullah saw apabila masuk bulan Rajab beliau selalu berdoa Allahuma Bariklana fi Rajab wa Syaban wa balighna Ramadan artinya Ya Allah berkahilah kami pada bulan Rajab dan bulan syaban dan sampaikan kami ke bulan Ramadan (HR.Ahmad dan Tabrani). Dan para salaf shaleh selalu memohon kepada Allah agar diberikan karunia bulan ramadan, dan berdoa agar Allah menerima amal mereka, apabila telah masuk awal ramadan mereka berdoa kepada Allah Allahu akbar, Allahuma Ahillahu Alaina bil amni wal iman was salamah wal islam wa taufik lima tuhibbuhu wa tardha artinya Ya Allah karuniakan kepada kami pada bulan ini keamanan, keimanan, keselamatan dan keislaman dan berikan kepada kami taufik agar mampu melakukan amalan yang engkau cintai dan ridhoi
Bersyukur dan memuji Allah atas karunia Ramadan yang kembali diberikan kepada kita. Al-Imam Nawawi Rahimahullah- dalam kitab adzkarnya berkata Dianjurkan bagi setiap orang yang mendapatkan kebaikan dan diangkat dari dirinya keburukan untuk bersujud kepada Allah sebagai tanda syukur, dan memuji Allah dengan pujian yang sesuai dengan keagungannya. Dan diantara nikmat terbesar yang diberikan Allah kepada seorang hamba adalah ketika dia diberikan kemampuan untuk melakukan ibadah & ketaatan. Maka ketika Ramadan telah tiba dan kita dalam kondisi sehat wal afiat maka kita harus bersyukur dengan memuji Allah sebagai bentuk syukur kita kepada Allah.
Bergembira dengan kedatangan Bulan Ramadan. Rasulullah saw selalu memberikan kabar gembira kepada para shahabat setiap kali datang bulan Ramadan, sebagaimana dalam sebuah hadits Telah datang kepada kalian bulan Ramadan, bulan yang penuh berkah, Allah telah mewajibkan kepada kalian untuk berpuasa, pada bulan itu Allah membuka pintu-pintu syurga dan menutup pintu-pintu neraka (HR.Ahmad). Dan para salafus saleh sangat memperhatikan bulan Ramadan, mereka sangat gembira dengan kedatangannya, karena tidak ada kegembiraan yang paling besar selain kedatangan bulan ramadan, karena bulan tersebut adalah bulan kebaikan dan turunnya rahmat.
Merancang agenda-agenda ukhrawi yang tepat agar mendapatkan manfaat bulan ramadan. Karena banyak diantara kaum muslimin hanya merencanakan agenda yang bersifat duniawi dengan sangat detil, tapi melupakan agenda-agenda yang bersifat ukhrawi. Ini merupakan gambaran bahwa kaum muslimin kurang memperhatikan waktu-waktu yang berharga dalam memperbaiki hubungan dengan Allah untuk membersihkan dirinya. Dan diantara agenda yang dapat dilaksanakan yaitu memanfaatkan ramadan dengan program-program ketaatan yang teratur dan terarah.
Bertekad mengisi waktu-waktu ramadan dengan ketaatan. Barangsiapa jujur kepada Allah maka Allah akan membantunya dalam melaksanakan agenda-agendanya dan memudahkannya melaksanakan aktifitas-aktifitas kebaikan. Tetapi jikalau mereka benar terhadap Allah, niscaya yang demikian itu lebih baik bagi mereka. (QS.Muhamad(47) : 21)
Mengertai dan memahami hukum-hukum Ramadan. Wajib bagi setiap mukmin dalam menyembah Allah dilandasi dengan ilmu. Tidak ada alasan bagi setiap mukmin tidak mengetahui ilmu yang berkenaan dengan hal-hal yang telah diwajibkan kepadanya. Diantaranya adalah puasa Ramadan, maka wajib untuk diketahui ilmu dan hukumnyanya sebelum Ramadan datang, agar puasanya benar dan diterima oleh Allah SWT. maka tanyakanlah olehmu kepada orang-orang yang berilmu, jika kamu tiada mengetahui.(QS.21:7)
Menyambut Ramadan dengan diiringi tekad meninggalkan dosa dan kebiasaan kebiasaan buruk dan bertaubat secara benar dari segala dosa dan kesalahan. Dan bertekad meninggalkannya disertai dengan penyesalan. Ramadan merupakan bulan taubat, kalau bukan di bulan Ramadan, kapan lagi kita bertaubat? Firman Allah Dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, hai orang-orang yang beriman supaya kamu beruntung.(QS.24:31).
Mempersiapkan jiwa dan ruhiyah kita dengan bacaan dan penelaahan melalui buku serta artikel. Juga dengan menghadiri majlis ilmu yang membahas tentang keutamaan puasa serta hukum dan hikmahnya. Sehingga secara kejiwaan kita siap untuk melaksanakan ketaatan pada bulan Ramadan. Rasulullah selalu memberikan semangat kepada para shahabat setiap penghujung syaban dan menjelang Ramadan tiba.
Mempersiapkan diri untuk berdakwah dengan langkah sebagai berikut:
Menulis catatan kecil untuk disampaikan dalam kultum
Membagikan buku-buku saku yang berisi nasehat,keutamaan puasa.
Memberikan hadiah Ramadan
Mengingatkan kaum muslimin untuk lebih peduli dengan kaum fuqoro.
Menyambut Ramadan dengan membuka lembaran baru yang bersih:
Kepada Allah dengan taubat yang jujur..
Kepada Rasul saw dengan mentaati apa yang diperintahkaan dan menjauhi apa yang dilarang.
Kepada Orang tua, karib kerabat serta anak dan istri dengan menyambung silaturrahmi.
Dengan masyarakat yang kita hidup bersama dengan mereka agar kita menjadi orang yang baik dan bermanfaat bagi mereka Khairun naas anfauuhum linnas Manusia yang paling baik adalah manusia yang paling bermanfaat bagi manusia.
Beginilah bumi yang kering menyambut turunnya hujan, baginilah seorang yang sedang sakit menyambut datangnya dokter dan beginilah seorang menunggu kekasihnya yang sudah lama ditunggu tunggu kedatangannya.
Penerjemah Abu Asma (H.Abdul Rahman, Lc)
Awas Kurma Israel Laknatullah! Jangan Jadi Pembunuh!
Menjelang Ramadhan yang penuh barakah ini,sudah tentu ada antara kita yang mencari cari kurma sebagi pemula semasa berbuka puasa. Namun anda semua mesti AWAS dengan kurma dari jenama "JORDAN RIVER"
Walaupun kurma ini didatangkan dengan kotak dan dicetak Jordan River,namun ia bukanlah dari Jordan tetapi dihasilkan dari Israel Laknatullah! Kurma ini telah diimport serta dikotakkan di Singapura dan diedarkan di pasaran Malaysia.
Kurma ini telah ditanam di suatu kawasan luas di bahagian timur Israel Laknatullah yang bersempadanan dengan Negara Palestin dan dimiliki oleh seorang Yahudi yang kaya serta ramai pekerjanya yang juga berbangsa yahudi.
Hasil jualan kurma kurma ini akan disalurkan kepada tabung pertubuhan pertubuhan yahudi. Pendedahan ini telah dibuat oleh akhbar Berita Harian Singapura.
Terkini kurma ini juga dipasarkan dengan nama "KALAHARI" dengan tulisan Jordan River dicetak kecil pada kotak. Jangan kita turut sama menjadi pembunuh saudara saudara kita di Palestin sedangkan dalam masa yang sama kita melaungkan jihad dan kebencian kepada Israel Laknatullah!
Walaupun kurma ini didatangkan dengan kotak dan dicetak Jordan River,namun ia bukanlah dari Jordan tetapi dihasilkan dari Israel Laknatullah! Kurma ini telah diimport serta dikotakkan di Singapura dan diedarkan di pasaran Malaysia.
Kurma ini telah ditanam di suatu kawasan luas di bahagian timur Israel Laknatullah yang bersempadanan dengan Negara Palestin dan dimiliki oleh seorang Yahudi yang kaya serta ramai pekerjanya yang juga berbangsa yahudi.
Hasil jualan kurma kurma ini akan disalurkan kepada tabung pertubuhan pertubuhan yahudi. Pendedahan ini telah dibuat oleh akhbar Berita Harian Singapura.
Terkini kurma ini juga dipasarkan dengan nama "KALAHARI" dengan tulisan Jordan River dicetak kecil pada kotak. Jangan kita turut sama menjadi pembunuh saudara saudara kita di Palestin sedangkan dalam masa yang sama kita melaungkan jihad dan kebencian kepada Israel Laknatullah!
Terlupa Niat Puasa
Syarak mewajibkan niat dalam setiap ibadah termasuk puasa. Maka tidak sah puasa tanpa niat. Maksud niat puasa, tidak semestinya berlafaz dengan perkataan, apatah lagi dilakukan beramai-ramai selepas tarawih. Amalan seperti ini tidak bersumberkan sunnah dan tidak diamalkan oleh salaf. Cukup sekadar niat di hati bahawa esok nak puasa.
Menurut jumhur ulama, diwajibkan berniat itu pada waktumalam (sebelum fajar). Kerana hadis "Sesiapa tidak berniat puasa pada malamhari, maka tiada puasa baginya".HR: Abu Daud (no: 2456), Tirmizi (no: 730), Nasai (no: 2332).
Kalau langsung tidak terdetik dalam hati pada waktu malam untuk puasa pada esoknya, maka tidak sah puasa di sisi jumhur. Contohnya:seorang yang tertidur atau pengsan sebelum maghrib dan sedar selepas subuhkeesokannya, maka tidak sah puasanya pada hari itu.
Maksud tidak sah puasa ialah: diwajibkan ganti selepas Ramadhan. Bukannya dia dibolehkan makan minum pada hari terbatal itu. Kerana dia tetap wajib menjaga kehormatan Ramadhan.
Rujukan:-Al-Mudawwanah al-Kubra 1/276-Majmuk Nawawi 6/288-Al-Kafi Ibn Qudamah 1/439-Al-Tahqiq Fi Ahadith al-Khilaf 2/66-67
Menurut jumhur ulama, diwajibkan berniat itu pada waktumalam (sebelum fajar). Kerana hadis "Sesiapa tidak berniat puasa pada malamhari, maka tiada puasa baginya".HR: Abu Daud (no: 2456), Tirmizi (no: 730), Nasai (no: 2332).
Kalau langsung tidak terdetik dalam hati pada waktu malam untuk puasa pada esoknya, maka tidak sah puasa di sisi jumhur. Contohnya:seorang yang tertidur atau pengsan sebelum maghrib dan sedar selepas subuhkeesokannya, maka tidak sah puasanya pada hari itu.
Maksud tidak sah puasa ialah: diwajibkan ganti selepas Ramadhan. Bukannya dia dibolehkan makan minum pada hari terbatal itu. Kerana dia tetap wajib menjaga kehormatan Ramadhan.
Rujukan:-Al-Mudawwanah al-Kubra 1/276-Majmuk Nawawi 6/288-Al-Kafi Ibn Qudamah 1/439-Al-Tahqiq Fi Ahadith al-Khilaf 2/66-67
Imam Malik ibn Anas (W 179 H) Berkeyakinan Allah Ada Tanpa Tempat, Tidak Seperti Yang Sering Diselewengkan Kaum Wahhabiyyah..!!
Al-Hafizh al-Bayhaqi dalam karyanya berjudul al-Asma’ Wa ash-Shifat, dengan sanad yang baik (jayyid), -sebagaimana penilaian al-Hafizh Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani dalam Fath al-Bari-, meriwayatkan dari al-Imam Malik dari jalur Abdullah ibn Wahb, bahwa ia -Abdullah ibn Wahb-, berkata:
“Suatu ketika kami berada di majelis al-Imam Malik, tiba-tiba seseorang datang menghadap al-Imam, seraya berkata: Wahai Abu Abdillah, ar-Rahman ‘Ala al-arsy Istawa, bagaimanakah Istawa Allah?. Abdullah ibn Wahab berkata: Ketika al-Imam Malik mendengar perkataan orang tersebut maka beliau menundukan kepala dengan badan bergetar dengan mengeluarkan keringat. Lalu beliau mengangkat kepala menjawab perkataan orang itu: “ar-Rahman ‘Ala al-arsy Istawa sebagaimana Dia mensifati diri-Nya sendiri, tidak boleh dikatakan bagi-Nya bagaimana, karena "bagaimana" (sifat benda) tidak ada bagi-Nya. Engkau ini adalah seorang yang berkeyakinan buruk, ahli bid’ah, keluarkan orang ini dari sini”. Lalu kemudian orang tersebut dikeluarkan dari majelis al-Imam Malik (Al-Asma’ Wa ash-Shifat, h. 408)".
Anda perhatikan; Perkataan al-Imam Malik: “Engkau ini adalah seorang yang berkeyakinan buruk, ahli bid’ah, keluarkan orang ini dari sini”, hal itu karena orang tersebut mempertanyakan makna Istawa dengan kata-kata “Bagaimana?”. Seandainya orang itu hanya bertanya apa makna ayat tersebut, sambil tetap meyakini bahwa ayat tersebut tidak boleh diambil makna zhahirnya, maka tentu al-Imam Malik tidak membantah dan tidak mengusirnya.
Adapun riwayat al-Lalika-i dari Ummu Salamah; Umm al-Mu’minin, dan riwayat Rabi’ah ibn Abd ar-Rahman (salah seorang guru al-Imam Malik) yang mengatakan: “al-Istiwa Ghair Majhul Wa al-Kayf Ghairu Ma’qul (al-Istiwa sudah jelas diketahui dan adanya al-Kayf (sifat benda) bagi Allah adalah sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal)”, yang dimaksud “Ghair Majhul” di sini ialah bahwa penyebutan kata tersebut benar adanya di dalam al-Qur’an. Ini dengan dalil riwayat lain dari al-Lalika-i sendiri yang mempergunakan kata “al-Istiwa madzkur”, artinya kata Istawa telah benar-benar disebutkan dalam al-Qur'an. Dengan demikian menjadi jelas bahwa yang dimaksud “al-Istiwa Ghair Majhul” artinya benar-benar telah diketahui penyebutan kata Istawa tersebut di dalam al-Qur’an.
Dari sini dapat dipahami bahwa al-Lali’ka’i dan Rabi’ah ibn Abd ar-Rahman mengatakan “al-Istiwa Ghair Majhul Wa al-Kayf Ghairu Ma’qul”, sama sekali bukan untuk tujuan menetapkan makna duduk atau bersemayam bagi Allah. Juga sama sekali bukan untuk menetapkan makna duduk atau bersemayam yang Kayfiyyah duduk atau bersemayam-Nya tidak diketahui oleh kita. Hal ini berbeda dengan orang-orang Wahhabiyyah yang salah paham terhadap pernyataan al-Lalika’i dan Rabi’ah ibn Abd ar-Rahman tersebut. Mereka mengatakan bahwa Allah bersemayam atau bertempat di atas arsy. Hanya saja, --menurut mereka--, Kayfiyyah-Nya tidak diketahui. A'udzu Billah.
Untuk membantah keyakinan kaum Wahhabiyyah tersebut, kita katakan kepada mereka:
Dalam perkataan al-Lalika-i dan Rabi’ah ibn Abd ar-Rahman terdapat kata “al-Kayf Ghair Ma’qul”, ini artinya bahwa Istawa tersebut bukan Kayfiyyah, sebab Kayfiyyah adalah sifat benda. Dengan demikian, oleh karena kata Istawa ini bukan Kayfiyyah maka jelas maknanya bukan dalam pengertian duduk atau bersemayam. Karena duduk atau bertempat itu hanya berlaku pada sesuatu yang memiliki anggota badan, seperti pantat, lutut dan lainnya. Sementara Allah maha suci dari pada anggota-anggota badan.
Yang mengherankan, kaum Musyabbihah seperti kaum Wahhabiyyah di atas seringkali memutarbalikan perkataan dua Imam di atas. Mereka sering mengubahnya dengan mengatakan “al-Istiwa Ma’lum Wa al-Kayfiyyah Majhulah”. Perkataan semacam ini sama sekali bukan riwayat yang benar berasal dari al-Imam Malik atau lainnya. Tujuan kaum Musyabbihah mengucapkan kata tesebut tidak lain adalah untuk menetapkan adanya Kayfiyyah bagi Istawa Allah, lalu mereka mengatakan Kayfiyyah-Nya tidak diketahui. Karena itu mereka seringkali mengatakan: "Allah bersemayam atau bertempat di atas arsy, tapi cara bersemayam-Nya tidak diketahui". Atau terkadang mereka juga berkata: "Allah duduk di atas arsy, tapi cara duduk-Nya tidak diketahui". jadi, Perkataan kaum Musyabbihah “al-Istiwa Ma’lum Wa al-Kayfiyyah Majhulah” tidak lain hanyalah untuk mengelabui orang-orang awam bahwa semacam itulah yang telah dikatakan dan yang dimaksud oleh Al-Imam Malik. A'udzu Billah.
Al-Hafizh al-Bayhaqi dari jalur Yahya ibn Yahya telah meriwayatkan bahwa ia -Yahya ibn Yahya- berkata:
Suatu saat ketika kami berada di majelis al-Imam Malik ibn Anas, tiba-tiba datang seseorang menghadap beliau, seraya bekata: Wahai Abu Abdlillah, ar-Rahman ‘Ala al-arsy Istawa, bagaimankah Istawa Allah? Lalu al-Imam Malik menundukan kepala hingga badanya bergetar dan mengeluarkan keringat. Kemudian beliau berkata: “al-Istiwa’ telah jelas -penyebutannya dalam al-Qur’an- (al-Istiwa Ghair Majhul), dan “Bagaimana (sifat benda)” tidak logis dinyatakan kepada Allah (al-Kayf Ghair Ma’qul), beriman kepada adanya sifat al-Istiwa adalah wajib, dan mempermasalahkan masalah al-Istiwa tersebut adalah perbuatan bid’ah. Dan bagiku, engkau tidak lain kecuali seorang ahli bid’ah”. Lalu al-Imam Malik menyuruh murid-muridnya untuk mengeluarkan orang tersebut dari majelisnya. Al-Imam al-Bayhaqi berkata: “Selain dari al-Imam Malik, pernyataan serupa juga diungkapkan oleh Rabi’ah ibn Abd ar-Rahman, guru dari al-Imam Malik sendiri” (Al-Asma’ Wa ash-Shifat, h. 408).
Dalam mengomentari peristiwa ini, asy-Syaikh Salamah al-Uzami, salah seorang ulama al-Azhar terkemuka dalam bidang hadits, dalam karyanya berjudul Furqan al-Qur’an, mengatakan sebagai berikut:
“Penilaian al-Imam Malik terhadap orang tersebut sebagai ahli bid’ah tidak lain karena kesalahan orang itu mempertanyakan Kayfiyyah Istiwa bagi Allah. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa orang tersebut memahami ayat ini secara indrawi dan dalam makna zhahirnya. Tentu makna zhahir Istawa adalah duduk bertempat, atau menempelnya suatu benda di atas benda yan lain. Makna zhahir inilah yang dipahami oleh orang tersebut, namun ia meragukan tentang Kayfiyyah dari sifat duduk tersebut, karena itu ia bertanya kepada al-Imam Malik. Artinya, orang tersebut memang sudah menetapkan adanya Kayfiyyah bagi Allah. Ini jelas merupakan keyakinan tasybih (penyerupaan Allah dengan makhluk-Nya), dan karena itu al-Imam Malik meyebut orang ini sebagai ahli bid’ah” (Furqan al-Qur’an Bain Shifat al-Khaliq Wa al-Akwan, h. 22).
Ada pelajaran penting yang dapat kita tarik dari peristiwa ini. Jika al-Imam Malik sangat marah terhadap orang tersebut hanya karena menetapkan adanya Kayfiyyah bagi Allah, hingga mengklaimnya sebagai ahli bid’ah, maka tentunya beliau akan lebih marah lagi terhadap mereka yang dengan terang-terangan mengartikan Istawa dengan duduk, bertempat atau bersemayam! Dapat kita pastikan seorang yang berpendapat kedua semacam ini akan lebih dimurkai lagi oleh al-Imam Malik. Hal itu karena mengartikan Istawa dengan duduk atau bersemayam tidak hanya menetapkan adanya Kayfiyyah bagi Allah, tapi jelas merupakan penyerupaan Allah dengan makhluk-Nya.
Dan sesungguhnya sangat tidak mungkin seorang alim sekaliber al-Imam Malik berkeyakinan bahwa Allah memiliki tempat dan arah. Al-Imam Malik adalah Imam kota Madinah (Imam Dar al-Hijrah), ahli hadits terkemuka, perintis fiqih madzhab Maliki, sudah barang tentu beliau adalah seorang ahli tauhid, berkeyakinan tanzih, mensucikan Allah dari sifat-sifat makhluk-Nya. Tentang kesucian tauhid al-Imam Malik ibn Anas, al-Imam al-‘Allamah al-Qadli Nashiruddin ibn al-Munayyir al-Maliki, salah seorang ulama terkemuka sekitar abad tujuh hijriyah, dalam karyanya berjudul al-Muqtafa Fi Syaraf al-Musthafa telah menuliskan pernyataan al-Imam Malik bahwa Allah ada tanpa tempat dan tanpa arah. Dalam karyanya tersebut, al-Imam Ibn al-Munayyir mengutip sebuah hadits, riwayat al-Imam Malik bahwa Rasulullah bersabda: “La Tufadl-dliluni ‘Ala Yunus Ibn Matta” (Janganlah kalian melebih-lebihkan aku di atas nabi Yunus ibn Matta). Dalam penjelasan hadits ini al-Imam Malik berkata bahwa Rasulullah secara khusus menyebut nabi Yunus dalam hadits ini, tidak menyebut nabi lainya, adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman akidah tanzih, -bahwa Allah ada tanpa tempat dan tanpa arah-. Hal ini karena Rasulullah diangkat ke atas ke arah arsy -ketika peristiwa Mi’raj-, sementara nabi Yunus dibawa ke bawah hingga ke dasar lautan yang sangat dalam -ketika beliau ditelan oleh ikan besar-, dan kedua arah tersebut, baik arah atas maupun arah bawah, keduanya bagi Allah sama saja. Artinya satu dari lainnya tidak lebih dekat kepada-Nya, karena Allah ada tanpa tempat. Karena seandainya kemuliaan itu diraih karena berada di arah atas, maka tentu Rasulullah tidak akan mengatakan “Janganlah kalian melebih-lebihkan aku di atas nabi Yunus ibn Matta”. Dengan demikian, hadits ini oleh al-Imam Malik dijadikan salah satu dalil bahwa Allah ada tanpa tempat dan tanpa arah (Lihat penjelasan ini dalam al-Muqtafa Fi syaraf al-Mustahafa. Perkataan Al-Imam Malik ini juga dikutip oleh Al-Imam Taqiyyuddin as-Subki dalam karya bantahannya atas Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jaiziyyah (murid Ibn Taimiyah); yang berjudul as-Saif ash-Shaqil Fi ar-Radd ‘Ala ibn Zafil. Demikian pula perkataan Al-Imam Malik ini dikutip oleh Al-Imam Muhammad Murtadla az-Zabidi dalam karyanya Ithaf as-Sadah al-Muttaqin Bi Syarah Ihya ‘Ulumiddin).
Adapun riwayat yang dikemukan oleh Suraij ibn an-Nu’man dari Abdullah ibn Nafi’ dari al-Imam Malik, bahwa ia -al-Imam Malik- berkata: “Allah berada di langit, dan ilmu-Nya di semua tempat”, adalah riwayat yang sama sekali tidak benar (Ghair Tsabit).
Abdullah ibn Nafi’ dinilai oleh para ahli hadits sebagai seorang yang dla’if. Al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal berkata: “’Abdullah ibn Nafi’ ash-Sha’igh bukan seorang ahli hadits, ia adalah seorang yang dla’if”. Al-Imam Ibn Adi berkata: “Dia -Abdullah ibn Nafi’ banyak meriwayatkan ghara-ib (riwayat-riwayat asing) dari al-Imam Malik”. Ibn Farhun berkata: “Dia -Abdullah ibn Nafi’- adalah seorang yang tidak membaca dan tidak menulis” (Lihat biografi Abdullah ibn Nafi’ dan Suraij ibn an-Nu’man dalam kitab-kitab adl-Dlu’afa’, seperti Kitab ald-Dlu’afa karya an-Nasa-i dan lainnya).
Dengan demikian pernyataan yang dinisbatkan kepada al-Imam Malik di atas adalah riwayat yang sama sekali tidak benar. Dan kata-kata tersebut yang sering kali dikutip oleh kaum Musyabbihah dan dinisbatkan kepada al-Imam Malik tidak lain hanyalah kedustaan belaka.
kesimpulan, Aqidah Imam Malik, Imam AbuHanifah, Imam Asy-Syafi'i dan Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal adalah bahwa Allah ada tanpa tempat dan tanpa arah.
“Suatu ketika kami berada di majelis al-Imam Malik, tiba-tiba seseorang datang menghadap al-Imam, seraya berkata: Wahai Abu Abdillah, ar-Rahman ‘Ala al-arsy Istawa, bagaimanakah Istawa Allah?. Abdullah ibn Wahab berkata: Ketika al-Imam Malik mendengar perkataan orang tersebut maka beliau menundukan kepala dengan badan bergetar dengan mengeluarkan keringat. Lalu beliau mengangkat kepala menjawab perkataan orang itu: “ar-Rahman ‘Ala al-arsy Istawa sebagaimana Dia mensifati diri-Nya sendiri, tidak boleh dikatakan bagi-Nya bagaimana, karena "bagaimana" (sifat benda) tidak ada bagi-Nya. Engkau ini adalah seorang yang berkeyakinan buruk, ahli bid’ah, keluarkan orang ini dari sini”. Lalu kemudian orang tersebut dikeluarkan dari majelis al-Imam Malik (Al-Asma’ Wa ash-Shifat, h. 408)".
Anda perhatikan; Perkataan al-Imam Malik: “Engkau ini adalah seorang yang berkeyakinan buruk, ahli bid’ah, keluarkan orang ini dari sini”, hal itu karena orang tersebut mempertanyakan makna Istawa dengan kata-kata “Bagaimana?”. Seandainya orang itu hanya bertanya apa makna ayat tersebut, sambil tetap meyakini bahwa ayat tersebut tidak boleh diambil makna zhahirnya, maka tentu al-Imam Malik tidak membantah dan tidak mengusirnya.
Adapun riwayat al-Lalika-i dari Ummu Salamah; Umm al-Mu’minin, dan riwayat Rabi’ah ibn Abd ar-Rahman (salah seorang guru al-Imam Malik) yang mengatakan: “al-Istiwa Ghair Majhul Wa al-Kayf Ghairu Ma’qul (al-Istiwa sudah jelas diketahui dan adanya al-Kayf (sifat benda) bagi Allah adalah sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal)”, yang dimaksud “Ghair Majhul” di sini ialah bahwa penyebutan kata tersebut benar adanya di dalam al-Qur’an. Ini dengan dalil riwayat lain dari al-Lalika-i sendiri yang mempergunakan kata “al-Istiwa madzkur”, artinya kata Istawa telah benar-benar disebutkan dalam al-Qur'an. Dengan demikian menjadi jelas bahwa yang dimaksud “al-Istiwa Ghair Majhul” artinya benar-benar telah diketahui penyebutan kata Istawa tersebut di dalam al-Qur’an.
Dari sini dapat dipahami bahwa al-Lali’ka’i dan Rabi’ah ibn Abd ar-Rahman mengatakan “al-Istiwa Ghair Majhul Wa al-Kayf Ghairu Ma’qul”, sama sekali bukan untuk tujuan menetapkan makna duduk atau bersemayam bagi Allah. Juga sama sekali bukan untuk menetapkan makna duduk atau bersemayam yang Kayfiyyah duduk atau bersemayam-Nya tidak diketahui oleh kita. Hal ini berbeda dengan orang-orang Wahhabiyyah yang salah paham terhadap pernyataan al-Lalika’i dan Rabi’ah ibn Abd ar-Rahman tersebut. Mereka mengatakan bahwa Allah bersemayam atau bertempat di atas arsy. Hanya saja, --menurut mereka--, Kayfiyyah-Nya tidak diketahui. A'udzu Billah.
Untuk membantah keyakinan kaum Wahhabiyyah tersebut, kita katakan kepada mereka:
Dalam perkataan al-Lalika-i dan Rabi’ah ibn Abd ar-Rahman terdapat kata “al-Kayf Ghair Ma’qul”, ini artinya bahwa Istawa tersebut bukan Kayfiyyah, sebab Kayfiyyah adalah sifat benda. Dengan demikian, oleh karena kata Istawa ini bukan Kayfiyyah maka jelas maknanya bukan dalam pengertian duduk atau bersemayam. Karena duduk atau bertempat itu hanya berlaku pada sesuatu yang memiliki anggota badan, seperti pantat, lutut dan lainnya. Sementara Allah maha suci dari pada anggota-anggota badan.
Yang mengherankan, kaum Musyabbihah seperti kaum Wahhabiyyah di atas seringkali memutarbalikan perkataan dua Imam di atas. Mereka sering mengubahnya dengan mengatakan “al-Istiwa Ma’lum Wa al-Kayfiyyah Majhulah”. Perkataan semacam ini sama sekali bukan riwayat yang benar berasal dari al-Imam Malik atau lainnya. Tujuan kaum Musyabbihah mengucapkan kata tesebut tidak lain adalah untuk menetapkan adanya Kayfiyyah bagi Istawa Allah, lalu mereka mengatakan Kayfiyyah-Nya tidak diketahui. Karena itu mereka seringkali mengatakan: "Allah bersemayam atau bertempat di atas arsy, tapi cara bersemayam-Nya tidak diketahui". Atau terkadang mereka juga berkata: "Allah duduk di atas arsy, tapi cara duduk-Nya tidak diketahui". jadi, Perkataan kaum Musyabbihah “al-Istiwa Ma’lum Wa al-Kayfiyyah Majhulah” tidak lain hanyalah untuk mengelabui orang-orang awam bahwa semacam itulah yang telah dikatakan dan yang dimaksud oleh Al-Imam Malik. A'udzu Billah.
Al-Hafizh al-Bayhaqi dari jalur Yahya ibn Yahya telah meriwayatkan bahwa ia -Yahya ibn Yahya- berkata:
Suatu saat ketika kami berada di majelis al-Imam Malik ibn Anas, tiba-tiba datang seseorang menghadap beliau, seraya bekata: Wahai Abu Abdlillah, ar-Rahman ‘Ala al-arsy Istawa, bagaimankah Istawa Allah? Lalu al-Imam Malik menundukan kepala hingga badanya bergetar dan mengeluarkan keringat. Kemudian beliau berkata: “al-Istiwa’ telah jelas -penyebutannya dalam al-Qur’an- (al-Istiwa Ghair Majhul), dan “Bagaimana (sifat benda)” tidak logis dinyatakan kepada Allah (al-Kayf Ghair Ma’qul), beriman kepada adanya sifat al-Istiwa adalah wajib, dan mempermasalahkan masalah al-Istiwa tersebut adalah perbuatan bid’ah. Dan bagiku, engkau tidak lain kecuali seorang ahli bid’ah”. Lalu al-Imam Malik menyuruh murid-muridnya untuk mengeluarkan orang tersebut dari majelisnya. Al-Imam al-Bayhaqi berkata: “Selain dari al-Imam Malik, pernyataan serupa juga diungkapkan oleh Rabi’ah ibn Abd ar-Rahman, guru dari al-Imam Malik sendiri” (Al-Asma’ Wa ash-Shifat, h. 408).
Dalam mengomentari peristiwa ini, asy-Syaikh Salamah al-Uzami, salah seorang ulama al-Azhar terkemuka dalam bidang hadits, dalam karyanya berjudul Furqan al-Qur’an, mengatakan sebagai berikut:
“Penilaian al-Imam Malik terhadap orang tersebut sebagai ahli bid’ah tidak lain karena kesalahan orang itu mempertanyakan Kayfiyyah Istiwa bagi Allah. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa orang tersebut memahami ayat ini secara indrawi dan dalam makna zhahirnya. Tentu makna zhahir Istawa adalah duduk bertempat, atau menempelnya suatu benda di atas benda yan lain. Makna zhahir inilah yang dipahami oleh orang tersebut, namun ia meragukan tentang Kayfiyyah dari sifat duduk tersebut, karena itu ia bertanya kepada al-Imam Malik. Artinya, orang tersebut memang sudah menetapkan adanya Kayfiyyah bagi Allah. Ini jelas merupakan keyakinan tasybih (penyerupaan Allah dengan makhluk-Nya), dan karena itu al-Imam Malik meyebut orang ini sebagai ahli bid’ah” (Furqan al-Qur’an Bain Shifat al-Khaliq Wa al-Akwan, h. 22).
Ada pelajaran penting yang dapat kita tarik dari peristiwa ini. Jika al-Imam Malik sangat marah terhadap orang tersebut hanya karena menetapkan adanya Kayfiyyah bagi Allah, hingga mengklaimnya sebagai ahli bid’ah, maka tentunya beliau akan lebih marah lagi terhadap mereka yang dengan terang-terangan mengartikan Istawa dengan duduk, bertempat atau bersemayam! Dapat kita pastikan seorang yang berpendapat kedua semacam ini akan lebih dimurkai lagi oleh al-Imam Malik. Hal itu karena mengartikan Istawa dengan duduk atau bersemayam tidak hanya menetapkan adanya Kayfiyyah bagi Allah, tapi jelas merupakan penyerupaan Allah dengan makhluk-Nya.
Dan sesungguhnya sangat tidak mungkin seorang alim sekaliber al-Imam Malik berkeyakinan bahwa Allah memiliki tempat dan arah. Al-Imam Malik adalah Imam kota Madinah (Imam Dar al-Hijrah), ahli hadits terkemuka, perintis fiqih madzhab Maliki, sudah barang tentu beliau adalah seorang ahli tauhid, berkeyakinan tanzih, mensucikan Allah dari sifat-sifat makhluk-Nya. Tentang kesucian tauhid al-Imam Malik ibn Anas, al-Imam al-‘Allamah al-Qadli Nashiruddin ibn al-Munayyir al-Maliki, salah seorang ulama terkemuka sekitar abad tujuh hijriyah, dalam karyanya berjudul al-Muqtafa Fi Syaraf al-Musthafa telah menuliskan pernyataan al-Imam Malik bahwa Allah ada tanpa tempat dan tanpa arah. Dalam karyanya tersebut, al-Imam Ibn al-Munayyir mengutip sebuah hadits, riwayat al-Imam Malik bahwa Rasulullah bersabda: “La Tufadl-dliluni ‘Ala Yunus Ibn Matta” (Janganlah kalian melebih-lebihkan aku di atas nabi Yunus ibn Matta). Dalam penjelasan hadits ini al-Imam Malik berkata bahwa Rasulullah secara khusus menyebut nabi Yunus dalam hadits ini, tidak menyebut nabi lainya, adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman akidah tanzih, -bahwa Allah ada tanpa tempat dan tanpa arah-. Hal ini karena Rasulullah diangkat ke atas ke arah arsy -ketika peristiwa Mi’raj-, sementara nabi Yunus dibawa ke bawah hingga ke dasar lautan yang sangat dalam -ketika beliau ditelan oleh ikan besar-, dan kedua arah tersebut, baik arah atas maupun arah bawah, keduanya bagi Allah sama saja. Artinya satu dari lainnya tidak lebih dekat kepada-Nya, karena Allah ada tanpa tempat. Karena seandainya kemuliaan itu diraih karena berada di arah atas, maka tentu Rasulullah tidak akan mengatakan “Janganlah kalian melebih-lebihkan aku di atas nabi Yunus ibn Matta”. Dengan demikian, hadits ini oleh al-Imam Malik dijadikan salah satu dalil bahwa Allah ada tanpa tempat dan tanpa arah (Lihat penjelasan ini dalam al-Muqtafa Fi syaraf al-Mustahafa. Perkataan Al-Imam Malik ini juga dikutip oleh Al-Imam Taqiyyuddin as-Subki dalam karya bantahannya atas Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jaiziyyah (murid Ibn Taimiyah); yang berjudul as-Saif ash-Shaqil Fi ar-Radd ‘Ala ibn Zafil. Demikian pula perkataan Al-Imam Malik ini dikutip oleh Al-Imam Muhammad Murtadla az-Zabidi dalam karyanya Ithaf as-Sadah al-Muttaqin Bi Syarah Ihya ‘Ulumiddin).
Adapun riwayat yang dikemukan oleh Suraij ibn an-Nu’man dari Abdullah ibn Nafi’ dari al-Imam Malik, bahwa ia -al-Imam Malik- berkata: “Allah berada di langit, dan ilmu-Nya di semua tempat”, adalah riwayat yang sama sekali tidak benar (Ghair Tsabit).
Abdullah ibn Nafi’ dinilai oleh para ahli hadits sebagai seorang yang dla’if. Al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal berkata: “’Abdullah ibn Nafi’ ash-Sha’igh bukan seorang ahli hadits, ia adalah seorang yang dla’if”. Al-Imam Ibn Adi berkata: “Dia -Abdullah ibn Nafi’ banyak meriwayatkan ghara-ib (riwayat-riwayat asing) dari al-Imam Malik”. Ibn Farhun berkata: “Dia -Abdullah ibn Nafi’- adalah seorang yang tidak membaca dan tidak menulis” (Lihat biografi Abdullah ibn Nafi’ dan Suraij ibn an-Nu’man dalam kitab-kitab adl-Dlu’afa’, seperti Kitab ald-Dlu’afa karya an-Nasa-i dan lainnya).
Dengan demikian pernyataan yang dinisbatkan kepada al-Imam Malik di atas adalah riwayat yang sama sekali tidak benar. Dan kata-kata tersebut yang sering kali dikutip oleh kaum Musyabbihah dan dinisbatkan kepada al-Imam Malik tidak lain hanyalah kedustaan belaka.
kesimpulan, Aqidah Imam Malik, Imam AbuHanifah, Imam Asy-Syafi'i dan Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal adalah bahwa Allah ada tanpa tempat dan tanpa arah.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Muslim Girl’s Guide For Dealing With Guys (2)
5) No Talking on the Phone with
Boys:- In Islam its forbidden for
non-related guys and girls to be
alone together because there is
the chance for physical zina,
vocal zina, and zina of the eyes.
That means, with no one there
to watch you guys except that
boogery shaitaan, then you
might be tempted to actually DO
something, or say gross things,
or just stare at each other all
lustily. With that in mind, it’s
also a safe bet to assume that
talking on the phone with non-
Mahram guys is a no-no too.
Why? Because unless you ’ve
both got it on speaker-phone
and you ’re chaperoned by a
responsible person, then you’re
still kind of "alone" with him.
The people in your house can ’t
hear what he’s saying to you,
and his family can’t hear what
you’re saying to him. There’s a
chance for some bad stuff then,
so just avoid it. Not to mention,
having some dude saying things
into your ear that no one else
can hear would be gross in real
life, why is it okay for him to
talk into your ear via the
telephone? For the most part it’s
just too intimate.
6) Be Disaffected:- What does
that mean? Disaffected means
un-affect-able. That means that
nothing a dude can say can hit
your nerves, make you blush, or
get a reaction out of you. It also
means that you are uninterested
in what they do as well. Imagine
yourself being in an airplane
looking down on the scenery
below. You ’re a little interested
in what’s going on down there,
and it may look really nice, but
you know that to get to the
scenery you have to jump off
the plane. Like the scenery miles
below you, the guy may look
really nice, but you know that to
get him you have to jump off
the plane ...errr...commit
spiritual suicide, and though the
fall may be fun, you will
eventually hit the ground 600
meters below and go -splat – on
Judgment Day. Maybe even
Short of becoming an ice-
princess, being disaffected
involves putting up a mental
wall between you and all of
male-kind. They don ’t know
your thoughts and you don’t
care for theirs. You can interact
with guys at school within the
bounds of Islam, but always
maintain a formal distance.
Don ’t ask a guy how his infected
toe is doing. Don’t give him a
hug when he looks down. Don’t
offer to help him with his
homework. Don ’t go out of your
way to remind him that you
exist, and that you ’re not half
bad looking. Even if you don’t
feel like behaving, make
yourself behave anyway, your
afterlife is important enough to
discipline yourself for.
The safest philosophy when
dealing with guys is
remembering this "He ’s not
what I want, so why should I do
anything to make him
interested in me? That ’ll just
make for a painfully awkward
situation and it ’s not worth the
sin anyhow."
Remember that you’re always
being watched! Would you act
all giggly and stupid with boys if
the Prophet Muhammad (peace
and blessings be upon him)
could see you? No, right?
Because you ’d feel like an
ungrateful idiot for disregarding
the religion that Prophet
Muhammad (peace and
blessings be upon him) took so
much pain for just to deliver to
you. Well, imagine how
ungrateful it is to act like a
supreme idiot when Allah can
see you all the time, and it ’s
really stupid to disregard the
religion that Allah prescribed,
the favors He ’s bestowed upon
you. How dumb is it to take the
eyes that Allah gave you and do
things with them that He told
you not to? (like goggle at
boys?) How much stupider is it
that He can see you doing this,
and you know it!
7) You have no secrets:- Not
because Big Brother (whoever
that is …) is watching you, but
because every single thing you
ever did will become public
domain on the Day of Judgment,
and you ’ll be brought to trial to
defend what you did. Just don’t
do anything that you wouldn’t
want your parents, your
siblings, your teachers, your
friends, and the whole world to
know about, ok?
Boys:- In Islam its forbidden for
non-related guys and girls to be
alone together because there is
the chance for physical zina,
vocal zina, and zina of the eyes.
That means, with no one there
to watch you guys except that
boogery shaitaan, then you
might be tempted to actually DO
something, or say gross things,
or just stare at each other all
lustily. With that in mind, it’s
also a safe bet to assume that
talking on the phone with non-
Mahram guys is a no-no too.
Why? Because unless you ’ve
both got it on speaker-phone
and you ’re chaperoned by a
responsible person, then you’re
still kind of "alone" with him.
The people in your house can ’t
hear what he’s saying to you,
and his family can’t hear what
you’re saying to him. There’s a
chance for some bad stuff then,
so just avoid it. Not to mention,
having some dude saying things
into your ear that no one else
can hear would be gross in real
life, why is it okay for him to
talk into your ear via the
telephone? For the most part it’s
just too intimate.
6) Be Disaffected:- What does
that mean? Disaffected means
un-affect-able. That means that
nothing a dude can say can hit
your nerves, make you blush, or
get a reaction out of you. It also
means that you are uninterested
in what they do as well. Imagine
yourself being in an airplane
looking down on the scenery
below. You ’re a little interested
in what’s going on down there,
and it may look really nice, but
you know that to get to the
scenery you have to jump off
the plane. Like the scenery miles
below you, the guy may look
really nice, but you know that to
get him you have to jump off
the plane ...errr...commit
spiritual suicide, and though the
fall may be fun, you will
eventually hit the ground 600
meters below and go -splat – on
Judgment Day. Maybe even
Short of becoming an ice-
princess, being disaffected
involves putting up a mental
wall between you and all of
male-kind. They don ’t know
your thoughts and you don’t
care for theirs. You can interact
with guys at school within the
bounds of Islam, but always
maintain a formal distance.
Don ’t ask a guy how his infected
toe is doing. Don’t give him a
hug when he looks down. Don’t
offer to help him with his
homework. Don ’t go out of your
way to remind him that you
exist, and that you ’re not half
bad looking. Even if you don’t
feel like behaving, make
yourself behave anyway, your
afterlife is important enough to
discipline yourself for.
The safest philosophy when
dealing with guys is
remembering this "He ’s not
what I want, so why should I do
anything to make him
interested in me? That ’ll just
make for a painfully awkward
situation and it ’s not worth the
sin anyhow."
Remember that you’re always
being watched! Would you act
all giggly and stupid with boys if
the Prophet Muhammad (peace
and blessings be upon him)
could see you? No, right?
Because you ’d feel like an
ungrateful idiot for disregarding
the religion that Prophet
Muhammad (peace and
blessings be upon him) took so
much pain for just to deliver to
you. Well, imagine how
ungrateful it is to act like a
supreme idiot when Allah can
see you all the time, and it ’s
really stupid to disregard the
religion that Allah prescribed,
the favors He ’s bestowed upon
you. How dumb is it to take the
eyes that Allah gave you and do
things with them that He told
you not to? (like goggle at
boys?) How much stupider is it
that He can see you doing this,
and you know it!
7) You have no secrets:- Not
because Big Brother (whoever
that is …) is watching you, but
because every single thing you
ever did will become public
domain on the Day of Judgment,
and you ’ll be brought to trial to
defend what you did. Just don’t
do anything that you wouldn’t
want your parents, your
siblings, your teachers, your
friends, and the whole world to
know about, ok?
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